Chapter 7: A Chance Encounter

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Yoooo so it's been a while. I felt the need to post this chapter because I put off writing it for about 3 weeks to focus on schoolwork. My group project is going to hell and I have no idea how it's going to go. Anyway, on with the sucky and rushed chapter!


Akagi POV

"So, do you want to tell me about yesterday when you skipped practice to hang out with the music student?" Kita asked. The twins and Suna stiffened up. They didn't come to practice after school yesterday, they said they had 'things to do.' But Kita somehow found out about the fact they purposely skipped.

"Wh-what do you mean?" Astumu stammered. He's getting nervous.

"Don't lie, I know you skipped practice with no good reason yesterday. Someone in my class told me you 3 were in the music hallway." Kita said. The 3 second years turned around in a huddle with each other and began whispering.

"I thought Sakurai was a second year in your class!" Suna said. "He is! I don't think he's ever talked to Kita before!" Atsumu said. "...what about that (h/c) haired one? Are they a second year too or...?" Osamu asked. They all paused. "Oh shit." Atsumu said. He whipped around to face Kita.

"Did (L/n)-senpai tell you?" He asked.

"Them? Oh, yeah, they did. I think it was them, if I remember their name correctly. They told me you 3 were messing around with an instrument in front of the orchestra room." Kita said.

"I can play cello now though. And I can play a song." Atsumu said, puffing up his chest proudly.

"Didn't (L/n)-san say that you played everything wrong but still somewhat sounded like twinkle twinkle little star?" Suna asked. Atsumu paused.

"Would you like to explain now?" Kita asked.

"...wanna go to the mall? For like, team bonding? I'll pay." Atsumu suggested. He was desperately trying to get out of trouble.

Atsumu didn't do his chores, he doesn't have money." Osamu said.

"Shut yer trap!"

"Take me to the mall, I'll forget about this." I piped up. The rest of the team stared at me.

"...can I go too?" Omimi asked.

"Am I allowed to go as well?" Ginjima asked.

Kita sighed. "You 3, 20 laps each," he said, pointing to the 3 second years, "and Atsumu, we're going to the mall for that team bonding exercise you suggested." He finished.

"Wait, I wasn't serious, I can't p-" "Y'all hear something?" Suna asked, ignoring Atsumu's protests.

"Dang, the air conditioning is messed up here too? They have to fix that." Osamu said.

"Why are you guys ignoring me again!?" Atsumu asked.

"Come on, let's get practice done with." Aran said, picking up a ball.

{After school}

"Guys... I seriously can't pay for any of you..." Atsumu said. Kita had a small smile on his face.

"When did I say you were paying? We're just here to bond together, it's team bonding after all." He said. Atsumu looked relieved. He then jolted up, staring at Kita.

"Wait, did you just-!? What!?" Atsumu asked.


"You smiled just now! And you made a joke!" Atsumu said, pointing at the shorter male.

"Because I'm a human? Just because you see me stoic all time doesn't mean I don't have emotions. I just wanted to mess with Atsumu like you guys do." Kita said.

"Love that Kita decides to break character for a moment to screw with Atsumu." Suna said, snickering.

"Ok, so I think we should all just go ehere we want and meet up at a designated time and place. Any suggestions on when and where we should meet?" Aran asked. I took a moment to think about it.

"Right here, 8:30 pm at the latest. " I suggested.

"Nah, the food court. We're skipping dinner at home and if we are, we better finish with a dinner." Osamu said.

"Of course you want food." Suna snickered.

"Because we're gonna be skipping a meal at home. So why not eat it here? I mean, it's team bonding, right?" Osamu asked.

"Ok, it's decided. 8:30 at the food court. We'll pair up and go our separate ways, I guess." Kita said. I immediately grabbed his wrist.

"Pair?" He nodded. I started dragging him off to god knows where.


"Oo, look! It's Lush! Wanna go in and look around? It smells really nice!" I said, looking expectantly at Kita.

"Sure, why not? We still have 30 minutes until we have to meet with the others." He said. I ran into the store, bolting straight at a display of swirly soap bars. I picked one up and looked at it. I just loved the colors and the swirls.

I saw an island display of scented candle and rushed over, picking a red one up. Apple cinnamon scented. A very, very strong and over powering scent. I starting coughing, I didn't expect this one to be THAT strong.

Some people were staring at me. I slowly put the candle back down and picked up another. A white vanilla candle. I inhaled the scent, very nostalgic. I think my grandma used to have these. A classic candle scent.

I picked up a third candle, lavender scented. A very nice floral scent, also a classic. Very lovely. I noticed that Kita had caught up to me, he was standing next to me and looking at the candles as well.

I looked over at the display and saw one that caught my eye. Another bunch of red candles. I carefully tried to reach over the other 2 people to my left in order to reach it. So close... just a bit further...

"Um... would you like help?" The person next to me asked. I nearly fell down, I didn't expect to hear them. Li was too focused on the candle. "Uh, no thanks, I'm fine." I said, laughing nervously. I tried to grab the red candle I had my eye on but fell down onto the display, laying across it, right in front of them. God, this has to be one of the most embarrassing situations I've been in.

The person took my shoulder and helped me up. They also handed me the red candle too as a bonus. "Here, you looked like you wanted it." They said.

I read the label, red rose. I inhaled, it smelled like my mom's garden. I nodded to the person in thanks and turned to Kita. He was looking behind me, at that person. I turned around again, looking at them both.

"Hey, I know you, you're in my class." Kita said, pointing to them.

"I know you too. Shinsuke Kita, right?" They asked. They had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, they were quite tall too.

"Such a coincidence, I've been seeing you around a lot lately." Kita said.

"Yeah, it is. What is this, fate?" The (h/c)-nette said.

"It could be, it honestly could be."

I slowly went back to smelling the candles. This felt a bit awkward. Scratch that, very awkward, I fall onto a candle display, some stranger helps me up, Kita and the stranger know each other and start talking, leaving me to be confused.

The rose candle was nice.


(A/n): Remember when I said I was starting to pre-write chapters? Yeah, this was supposed to be finished and released a while ago, but things have been crazy. I finally got around to finishing this trash chapter. I had this thing planned for like a week but couldn't write it. Hope you guys enjoyed anyway.

Also, my math final is in 4 days, wish me luck!

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