Chapter 10: Pre-class Hang Out

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I tried to get this out before I left for a trip but failed. So this got uploaded at an awkward time for me.


"Ok, we're hanging out in the gym with the team! come on, follow me!" Atsumu said. He suddenly took off running throughout the halls.

"Wait for me!" Eiko yelled, running after him.

"And me!" Arisu said, following the 2 boys. Osamu, Suna, and I just stood there, watching our 3 idiots running to the gym. We looked at each other and started walking after them.

"Are your friends... always like that?" Osamu asked. I shrugged.

"Not always, they know when to calm down and be quiet. Is your brother always like that?" I asked back.

"Yes, oh my god, yes he is and he's worse. He's always loud, he lies a lot, and never returns anything he borrows." He said.

"It sounds like you're trying to turn (L/n) against Atsumu." Suna chuckled.

"No I'm not, I'm just informing them of the way Atsumu acts."

"Those are only his bad habits..."

"And?" Osamu asked. Suna sighed and scrolled through his phone.

"Here. This is one of hundreds of videos I have of the twins fighting. Enjoy." He said, turning his phone to me. I looked over to see the video.

The twins were pummeling each other with punches, some hitting hard and others soft. I couldn't hear anything of what they were saying, but they were clearly arguing over something. I could see others trying together them to stop to no avail.

"Wait for it..." Suna said, stifling his laughter.

"What are you two doing?" Another voice asked the two brothers. They immediately stopped fighting and stood up straight.

"O-oh, hey Kita! How are you?" Atsumu asked nervously.

"You two were fighting again, weren't you?" Kita asked disappointedly.

"Nope! We weren't fighting!" Osamu insisted.

"They're lying." Another person said.

"Shh, you're lying!" Atsumu yelled.

"Atsumu, I can see your lip bleeding and you have the audacity to say you weren't fighting with Osamu?" The person asked. Atsumu gave no answer.

"Atsumu, Osamu, get patched up. Then, go do some diving drills." Kita ordered.

"But we don't need diving drills!" Osamu said.

"Does it look like I care?" Kita asked. The twins grumbled and walked off.

"Dang, Kita's gotten sassy..." Suna muttered before the video ended.

"I would like you to know this was only last week. Like I said earlier, I have hundreds of videos. Some are full blown fights, some are just them shoving each other around." Suna said.

"...why? Why do you have so many videos of them fighting?" I asked.

"Well, he's Inarizaki's resident blackmailer. We're unfortunately his main victims." Osamu said.

"I got dirt about tons of people. I could make a living off of this if extortion wasn't weren't illegal. I just keep it for laughs now." Suna said, scrolling through his phone. Does he seriously have that much stuff?

"Oh, here's one about someone you might know. The conductor person for the orchestra, Nakasone, was it? Anyways, here's a video of them going crazy over Flappy Bird." Suna said, showing me the video.

In it, Nakasone was cursing up a storm while angrily tapping at their phone.

"Honestly, I don't know if there could've been a worse combination. Someone with anger management issues paired with a stupidly simple yet stupidly hard game is just asking for disaster." Osamu pointed out.

"Exactly. That's why I downloaded the game on their phone." Suna said with a smirk.

"You, you are... I can't say evil because I might have done something like that..." I muttered.

"Oo, goody two shoes (L/n) would do such a thing? I thought Sho said you never do such a thing as to lie." Suna teased.

"Well he lied and so did I."

"...I'm sorry, what?" Osamu asked.

"Did you really think it wasn't me who told Kita-san about you guys skipping your practice? I gave you a hint that I was going to tell him and I did. I lied about not telling him and you guys believed it." I said.

"So you did snitch on us. I thought so, Atsumu was just being a gullible dumbass then." Suna said.

"Should I be scared to ask what you did that was evil?" Osamu asked.

"So I took Nakasone's phone and changed the language to German once. Nakasone was about to throw their phone and their own body out of a window until someone else changed it back." I said, remembering that time back in my 2nd year.

"I have one question. Why? Not saying it wasn't a good prank, it probably was hilarious to watch. But why?" Suna asked. I tried to think of the reason.

"Nakasone called me boring. I don't really remember why I did it other than that reason." I said.

"...that isn't a good reason..." Suna said.

"Look, we all make bad decisions every once in a while." I said.

"But that doesn't change the fact it's a bad reason to do that?" Osamu said.

"People do that kind of thing with their friends, don't they? Don't you guys do that with each other?" I asked.

"Kinda? We do it with good reasons besides someone calling you boring." Osamu explained.

"I mean, we do it for fun, not just retaliation." Suna said.

"So you mess with your friends like that for fun?"

"Yeah, we mostly do that. You're asking us this like you're a socially inept alien. Do Sakurai and Arima not do this? They seem to mess with each other a lot. Do they mess with you?" Suna asked. I shook my head.

"Not that I know of. They don't reallymess with me besides the whole 'master' thing. That's the extent of it." I said.

"Wait, do they actually call you that or is it just a joke?" Osamu asked.

"They do say it. Arisu came up with it."

"This just in, Arisu Arima has a master fetish for her friend." Suna joked.


My head shot up at the sound of the morning bell. Was it really already school time? The 3 of us didn't even make it to the gym. The other 2 looked up at the sound of the bell as well.

"Looks like we got carried away with Suna's video collection. So much for hanging out at the gym." Osamu sighed, walking off.

"Hey, wait up." Suna said, walking after his friend.

I decided not to wait for my 2 friends and walked on my way to class.


I saw my cousin for the first time in a while and he looks like if Asahi went to Seijoh. Deadass, man-bun and all.

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