Chapter 4: Arguing with My Darcy

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"Olivia Callis." I say as I walk into the room as the bell rings. I go to the back of the room and sit in the corner near the window. I look next to me and a blonde haired girl smiles at me politely.

"I can't believe she ran into the wall just to be on time, what a loser." A girl with chestnut brown hair whispers to a girl in black hair and they giggle. I sink lower in my seat wishing I was invisible right now and Professor Bonnay walks to the front of the room.

"Alright, I'm going to take attendance now. When I call your name please answer with "here" or "present". Aimee Frasier?"

"Here." One of the girls who made fun of me and I can see why. She is so beautiful and stylish.

"Colette Demont?"

"" Colette answers with drama in her French accent as she flips her golden hair behind her shoulder

"Destiny Gage?"

"I'm here." Man all these girls must be a mean girl trio. They should really speak to the "Plastics" from "Mean Girls".

"Demont Francois?" Madame Bonnay calls a bunch of other kids names as I notice all the boys are all over the mini Plastics except one boy. His messy dark brown curly hair is in his eyes because it looks like he's drawing something on his sketchbook. His light brown skin is slightly touched by the sun's light as he sketches out his work. He is wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans that have slight holes in them. His collar is low enough that you can plainly see his collar bone. Madame Bonnay says someone's name and he looks up to speak. Oh crap! I missed his name, dang it! He turns his head to see me staring at him and my heart starts to melt a little bit. He smiles at me and goes back to drawing what looks like a human girl. It would be so romantic if it was me he was drawing! I sigh quietly but in a happy manner.

"Olivia Callis?" The sun sparkles in his dark brown chocolate eyes and I feel like I'm flying as my heart soars.

"Professor Bonnay just spoke to you." The girl sitting next to me whispers as she moves her hand up and down trying to get my attention.

"Sorry, what?" I look at Madame with confusion as the whole room dies in laughter and I start to blush again.

"I was just asking if you were present in class but I see you are in your own head." Professor Bonnay laughs as she turns on the PowerPoint that goes straight to syllabus.  I can't believe I was caught staring at the really cute guy and the girl next to me noticed. UGGGGG! After going over the syllabus, Professor Bonnay then turns of the projector.

"Alright, who has ever read "Pride Prejudice" by Jane Austen and what did you think of it?" Professor Bonnay asks as I squeal internally with excitement because I absolutely love this book and I have read it a million times. I raise my hand a wait patiently to be called on by the professor.

"Yes, Mademoiselle Callis."

"I have probably read this book a million times and it is one of my favorites. I honestly can relate to Elizabeth Bennet the most because of her wit and smarts. I absolutely adore Darcy at how complicated and deep he is as a character. I love how he says '... my affections and wishes for you have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, you feelings have changed, I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul and I love, love, love you and never wish to never be parted from you from this day on...'. It's just so incredible how one man can change for love by finding his so called 'soulmate'." I say very passionately as the professor smiles and nods with me in agreement.

"That's not surprising that you like Darcy, he's the Elizabethan century version of a bad boy. Also lets not forget the fact that Elizabeth is a fool for loving Darcy when he has hurt her time and time again." A deep thick voice comes from the other side of the room and I am so astonished by his words.

"Hmm, interesting thought Monsieur Beaufort. So you are saying that Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth should have never gotten together?"

"That is exactly what I am saying. The fact that Austen created what now would be considered a bad boy infatuation novel is just stupid and obnoxious!" Professor Bonnay laughs and I can't even look at him because I am fuming mad at how he insulted one of the greatest writers of that century. 

"You do realize that you have just insulted one of the greatest authors of all time right?" I question as I look at him smirking at my angry expression which makes me angrier.  

"It was certainly not my intention to insult a writer but wether she is the best is your opinion.  May I point out that your option is most likely incorrect?" Beaufort mocks me as the others in the class die laughing at my expense. I can't believe this guy! I breath out an exasperated breath am about to continue with this jerk but Professor Bonnay has a look on her face that stops me.

"See, this is what is called a good book. You can argue about and debate while still having fun. That is what I want this year to be like for all of you. I want you to passionately speak your minds and thoughts in this class without holding back. So with that you do not need to raise your hands, this is college not high school." The professor instructs happily as I am in complete shock while staring at Beaufort as he draws as if nothing happened.

"Your homework for tonight is to read Chapter 1 through Chapter 3 of 'Pride & Prejudice' by Jane Austen for Wednesday's class and we will discuss." Professor Bonnay says as we pack up to leave the room.

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