Chapter 2: Moving Day

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"BEEEEEEEP BEEEEP!"  Screams my alarm in it's annoying fashion as I groan and get out of bed.  I take my phone off the nightstand and put in my AirPods.  I blast music to wake me up while I go into my closet and grab a cute blue dress.  It also has ruffles at the top near the bosom.  I bring it back with me to my bathroom and take off my blue pajamas.  I clip my blue bra with lace on and pull on white underwear.  I slip the dress over my head and straighten it.  I take my hair brush and brush my thick strawberry-blonde curly locks.  I take a blue hair tie and gather up my hair in the tie.  I then brush out my hair in a ponytail and then I tighten the tie. I look at the ring Dad gave me and smile sadly.  I smile at myself because I finally feel like I'm pretty and I finally feel confident in my own body.

"Olivia, you better be down here in 10 minutes to help load the car."  Mom calls up as I grab all of my boxes, books, and purse.  I make two trips to the car with all of my stuff and mom comes out the door.

"Well, that was that fast. With you getting up at 6 in the morning, I thought you would be half asleep." Mom says with laughter in her dark blue eyes and in her deep sweet voice.

"Well, it's not easy but I can't wait to get out of here." I say as I roll my eyes at her teasing me and she laughs. I hope she doesn't cry because of how proud she is of me. My phone buzzes just as I get in the car ready for my adult life. My best friend's name pops up on the lock screen.

"Dude, you need to call me as soon as you're in your dorm because we didn't talk last night." I completely forgot about Jessica and I can't believe I called my father instead of my best friend.

"Oh my gosh, Jess,  I completely forgot to call you last night.  My father called me after ten years to apologize for leaving me and I was shocked I just went to bed. I give you more details when we are in Paris. Bye for now, Jess.  I love you bestie!"  I text as mom gets in her SUV and I follow in.  She starts the car and pulls out of the driveway as the sun peeks over the horizon. She goes on the highway and pulls into the "Starbucks" drive-through.

"Do you want your usual?" Mom asks as I yawn and glance at my new ring which makes me feel better about Dad.

"Ya, sure."  I put in my music again and drift off to sleep as Mom orders our food and drinks. 


I wake up to see that we are in a plane and it's ten in the morning.  I look at Mom who is asleep in the chair next to me.  I grab "Court" and open to where I left off.  I turn the page very loudly and Mom wakes up.

"Oops! Sorry, Mom." I apologize as she rubs the sleep out of her tired eyes and smiles forgivingly at me.

"What are you reading?" Mom asks with a yawn as she hands me a breakfast sandwich and my Pumpkin Spice latte.

"Um your copy of "Court" which you gave me to read."  I say as I turn my ocean-blue eyes back to the book and her eyes catch her old ring.  She grabs my hand and stares in complete shock at the ring that Dad gave to her so many years ago.

"Mom, before you freak out about this; Dad gave it to me because he said that you wanted your daughter to have it."  I say worriedly that she would be angry at him or me, but she smiles sadly.

"Oh, I'm not gonna freak out.  Of course, you can have it and it makes your lovely eyes pop.  What did Tommy say in that letter he gave you anyway if I can ask that?" She asks curiously as I take a sip of my coffee.

"Well, I brought it along so you could read it and please don't cry here."  I beg as I hand her the letter and she takes it in her shaking hands. She scans over his incredibly messy handwriting and I notice a small tear sliding down her cheek.  I reach over and give her a comforting hug for a good two minutes.

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