Chapter 10: Hangover's Really Suck

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I don't remember how I got back to my dorm last night, but I guess I did. My alarm was supposed to go off by now, what is going on? I open my eyes and look around the room. I vagally remember being in Liam's room. I gasp in shock when I sit up to see that I am in his bed. I look down and I am in my underpants and bra. HE SAW ME WITHOUT A SHIRT AND PANTS! The door opens and Liam walks in with only shorts on and his har is glistening with water droplets from the shower. I quickly pull the sheets up to my neck.

"You weren't that shy last night." Liam says with an annoyed tone in his voice. He walks over to his closet and grabs a Steelers jersey. Okay something definitely happened last night because there is so much tension between us. I look on the chair and see my phone and turn it on. IT'S FUCKING NOON!! I MISSED MY TWO CLASSES AND ON THE FIRST DAY TOO!

"Why didn't my alarm go off?" I ask as my voice going to a higher and higher octave with each word.

"It did you slept through it and I just hit snooze." Liam says with a shrug and I almost lunge at him.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP?!!" I screech and I start to breathe heavily. Liam comes over to me and takes my hands.

"Breathe, okay. You are okay, it is okay. You were really drunk last night and you would not be able to learn." He says as I take a deep breath while he rubs my arms. He then takes me in his arms and holds me until I calm down. He smells amazing and it has a super calming effect.

"Wait, does Sam know where I am?" I ask once my voice returns to it's original octave.

"Ya, I texted her from your phone and told her what happened." Liam says with another shrug and I don't know how I feel about him about him texting on my phone.

"You texted on my phone?" I ask with they panic rising back in my voice again.

"Oh yah, I asked you if I could text Sam from your phone and you gave me your passcode." He says a little defensively.

"Okay, then." I say as I go on my phone and into Messages. Sam texted me three times: once at 1:30 am, the other at 2:40am and the last at 7:30 am.

"Liv are you okay? Your still not home from the party at sig." I feel awful for not getting back to her and making her worried.

"This is Liam. Liv is currently fucked up and won't be able to come back to the dorms. I put her in my bed and she is asleep on her side. I'm not sure she'll feel up to going to class tomorrow." I don't know why Liam felt the need to mention me being "fucked up".

"Thank you for letting me know. I'll check again tomorrow. Goodnight!" Sam replies back as I scroll to the last two texts.

"Hey Liv! Do you feel well enough to go to your 9:30am class today?" Sam texts again thirty minutes before Hip-Hop starts.

"This is Liam again. I tried to wake her up but she is knocked out and she won't be moving for a while." Liam explains and I guess Sam never responded.

I have another message and it is from my mother; which is also thirty minutes before my first class.

"2nd Day of Classes!!" Mom is way to enthusiastic about being at college for two days especially at this time in the morning.

"Liv? Are you up? You better not be skipping classes young lady!" Then there are ten missed calls from my mother. At this is when bile starts to rise in my throat. I don't know if it is from the alcohol or anxiety. All I know is that I think I am about to throw up so I get up on to my feet and rush my ass to the bathroom.

"Hey, what is wrong?" Liam asks as he looks up from his phone at me rushing out of his room. I close the door and sit down in front of the toilet. Liam comes bustling in the bathroom with understanding of what's happening on his face. He takes all of my strawberry-blond curls into his hands as all the contents of last night spill into the toilet. Once everything is out of my system; Liam wipes my mouth with wet paper towel and brushes my teeth for me. I don't know which I loved more but it was all really sweet. When he finishes brushing my teeth; he BRIDAL carries me back to his bed and pops me down gently. Then he opens his fridge to get me a water and a protein shake. He sits down next to me with the tv remote in his hand and switches on the tv. It's a good thing that I finished all my homework for tomorrow. I read "Pride & Prejudice" for British lit. I worked on the paragraph for Origins of Art. I also have used procreate since high school, so I'm good.

"Hey, why did you drink so much?" Liam interrupts my internal thoughts about what my homework to-do list.

"Um...I just wanted to have fun." I lie because I don't want him to know the real reason I got so fucked up.

"Was this your first alcoholic drink?" He asks as he flips through the channels absentmindedly.

"Well, mom would let me have sips of her drinks but not in one sitting." I explain as he lands on the first After movie.

"Did you really want to kiss me? Or do you even like m-?" He starts to ask but then I grab his face and plant a kiss on his lips. He moans blissfully and leans into me as I tug on his hair. I didn't think his lips felt this good, clearly I was wrong.

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