Chapter 6: Reading with My Crush at Lunch

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I walk into the big cafeteria and there is a long line in front of the kitchen in the back of the room.  All the tables are in the front looking out into the woods.  I pull out my book and get in line for the lunch. Of course, I keep track of the line moving so I don't bump into anyone and hold up the line.  The only problem is I can't focus on Grace in "Court".  All I can focus on is Liam and how I can't seem to connect with him. It's not gonna be easy at all but when have I ever backed away from a trial.  I also don't know what to make of Liam hinting he isn't a good person.  I mean he stuck up for me and he was so helpful this morning!  Why are boys so confusing and hard to understand!  UGG!

    "Do you want sloppy joe, chicken pot pie, or meatloaf?" The lunch lady with gray hair asks in a tired voice.  I look up from my book with surprise on my face.

     "I'll take chicken pot pie, please." I say politely as the lunch lady hands me a bowl of chicken pot pie.  I thank her and skim the room for someone to sit with.  The popular girls are at the front of the room looking at each other's nails.  I roll my eyes as I look over to Liam sitting alone and reading something I can't see.  I smile sadly and start to walk over to Liam to sit with him so he's not lonely.  

"Hey Liam, what are you reading?" I as I pull up a chair and sit next to him but not to close.  He looks up from me clearly surprised by my question. 

"Uh, um...I'm reading  "Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone" by J.K Rowling." He says as he turns the page. 

"Do you like it?" I ask hoping he does because if he doesn't we can't be associated with each other. 

"I mean, the first book isn't my favorite right now but it's worth reading."  I breathe a sigh of relief internally so he doesn't think I'm desperate or something. 

"True, it isn't the best but still have to read it.  Have you taken the Hogwarts House test?" I ask as he look at me confused so I pull out a piece of paper and write my phone number (which is 703-656-6236) on it and hand it to him. 

"I don't remember the name of the website right now, but I can look it up later if you text me." I say and internally I praise myself for putting myself out there.

"I guess." He says as I start to walk to an empty near by table but then he grabs my arm. 

"Hey, if you want to sit with me you can." Liam says with a nervous smile as he gently pulls me back to the chair I was sitting in a second ago.

"Oh, um okay." I say as I sit down and set my books down along with my tray on the light blue clothed table.  I open "Court" and try to be enraptured in what I am reading.  I stop to take a bite of chicken pot pie as I turn to the next page. I chew on the pot pie totally in awe of the amazing flavors.  The chicken is cooked to perfection and the sauce is incredible.  The carrots and celery add that nice crunch to the dish.  Green peas add a sweetness that you wouldn't expect to invade such a meal.  Out of the corner of my eye, I sneakily glance over at Liam.  His lean and slightly muscular body is relaxed as he reads his book and I can feel my heart pounding furiously in my chest. What is wrong with me? I hate this boy, he is so hot one minute and cold the next (Not to quote Katy Perry). He looks up from his book to take a bite of ham and cheese sandwich. He looks over to me and I move my head in way that will allow my hair trickle down my hair in waves.  I'm still peering at him behind my curtain of hair.  Then I feel a finger move my hair from my eyes and I instantly freeze in surprise at his gesture.  I feel heat flood down to my cheeks.

"Don't ever hide yourself from the world, I see you.  Olivia, your so...beautiful inside and out." He says softly while he rests his hand on my cheek.  My mouth is parted slightly in surprise as he used an "Avatar" reference that makes me fall for him even faster. That is exactly what Neyteri said to Jake just before he died.  The bell instantly brings me out of my trance and Liam is already up out of his seat with his satchel hanging over his shoulder. 

"Alright, what's your next class, new girl?" At that, my souring heart instantly plummets all the way to my stomach.  His emotions changes on a dime in two seconds flat and I don't understand.  Really I shouldn't be surprised or hurt because I know he's a jerk.  For some strange reason it bugs me and I end up feeling upset. 

"Um... Electronic Art." I answer still wounded from his punch to my heart in a sense.

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