Chapter 5: Art With Darcy

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When I get up from my seat, I rush out of English in an angry huff. I'm so infuriated that I forget to thank Madame Bonnay for spending the time to teach. It's not that I didn't appreciate her but I could tell that Beaufort was just purposely trying to pushing my buttons! Suddenly I feel a warm large hand on my right shoulder.  I turn around as I groan internally instantly knowing who's hand is on my shoulder.  His chocolate brown eyes stare at me with playful twinkle in them.  He grips his satchel that hangs down his chest and to about his waist. 

"What do you want, Beaufort?" I try to say stiffly but I am still intoxicated by the incredible sight of this young man.  His muscles are accented under his shirt and it is obvious that he works out. 

"Woah easy. I just wanted to say that it was fun debating with you." Beaufort states pleasantly as the twinkle in his eyes is still present.  "By the way I would appreciate it if you wouldn't just call my Beaufort, my name is Liam." He requests as I roll my eyes at his annoyed expression while I keep walking with my own blue satchel wrapped around my body.

"Well Liam," I say as I drag out each syllable in the name the excites and vexes me. "I would appreciate it very much if you wouldn't insult my opinion, therefore me again." I huff as I look down at my map trying to find were my next class is held. A hand appears on my map while I continue my search.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I was just teasing you and enjoying the debate." He apologizes and I start to smile at how I enjoyed the debate as well. He is sincere with his apology but I am still not too sure.

"Now, what is your next class?"

"Why do you want to know? I didn't ask for your help." I point out as I weave my way through the crowd of students and Liam fallows quickly behind me.

"Well, I'm assuming since you can't keep your eyes of that map then you need help. What's your next class?" Liam asks as I try to find any building that has the word art in it.

"Just tell me what your next class is because I probably know where it is." He says as he takes my map out of my hands and keeps it out of my reach.

"Fine, My next class is 'Origins of Art' with Madame Fraser." Liam smiles as he balls the map in a ball and throws it in a trash bin and I gape at his action.

"W-Why did you do that for?" I screech under my breath as his chocolate brown eyes sparkle in humor at my expense. My next class is surprisingly out into the courtyard. 

"We have mostly all the same classes together and I can tell you where to go for the other classes." He explains with a wink and I feel myself blush unfortunately. We continue to walk side by side into the vast courtyard with picnic tables.  We eventually come into view of a woman with ginger hair who I assume is Madame Fraser.

"Hello dears, ye can sit wherever ye like." She says in a perfect Scottish accent. I smile at her and sit at the table farthest from her because I don't feel comfortable sitting with people I don't know. My heart starts to beat like a beating drum and the palms of my hands start to sweat from nerves when Liam sits down next to me.  I look at him with complete shock and confusion as he takes out his latest piece.  He finishes his sketch of a snowlike landscape and looks at me with a thoughtful expression.

I look over his arm at the incredible sketched out landscape. Rain is falling harshly out out of the sky on boy with his head in his hand and alone in a cold and unforgiving world.

"That's amazing. You're really talented but why did you choose such a sad setting and who is the boy?" I ask as Liam gasps and drops his pencil.

"Um...It's just art, Olivia. Don't read so much into the drawing. Thank you anyway." Liam says as he laughs a little and I blush from embarrassment.

"Right, sorry. No problem." I say as Madame Fraizer writes her name on the board.

"Class? Can I have your attention s'il vous plaît." Madame Fraizer asks politely as the rest of the students take their seats. She stands in front of all of us with a clipboard.

"Art is an amazing pastime. It can give you so much joy and satisfaction in your lives.  Where does art come from? Where do ye go to find the inspiration?  What can ye learn from it? These are the questions ye will be answering this semester as we begin this marvelous journey together." She explains enthusiastically and I am hooked on her every word. 

"Your assignment for the week is to write me a paragraph explaining what your origins of art are. Where you got them and how you choose to uses them in life.  Ye will be presenting this on Friday in front of the whole class, so be prepared to wow us." PUBLIC SPEAKING! Oh no, this will not end well for me at all. I ignore my subconscious as I pull my iPad out and open a new google doc.  I begin writing my paragraph on how I found my love for art.


"Hey Aimee and Colette, I know what exactly Libby should put in her essay. She should totally express her daddy issues since the school felt pity for her, its the only reason she was accepted!" Destiny cackles as they walk over near my end of the table with hands on their hips. Aimee and Colette die laughing as well as I blush in shame.

"Hey Liam, do you maybe wanna sit with us and go on a date with me Friday night? I feel so sad that you are sitting with this piece of American trash. So, what do you say?" Destiny asks flirtatiously as she flips her hair over her shoulder.

"You are very beautiful Destiny, but it's too bad that your heart it ugly. I've never met such a shallow person in my life.  Olivia is new so give her a break and she is everything that you aren't." Liam shouts as Destiny and her friends do a hair flip as they turn around. Liam goes back to drawing and my mouth hangs open in complete awe that he would stick up for me. We've only met last period and he still stuck up for me.

"Thank you for what you said to Destiny." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear me.

"No problem. Destiny is hot but she's a jerk and no one doesn't deserve to be under her wrath; not even someone as dorky as you." Liam says but it was kind of disappointing that he called me dorky. I mean it's every girl's dream to have a hot guy call her "dorky" but whatever.  I continue my plan for my essay and what I want to put in it. 

"You're a very good artist, could you possibly give me your phone number because I still have some things to say to you about Darcy? " I ask hopefully as I tease him about the debate earlier this morning.  He turns to look at me with those warm chocolate brown eyes. 

"I don't think you should be texting me.  I'm sorry, maybe you should ask someone who's better company." Liam says as he jumps up and goes over to Madame Fraizer and hands in his work.  Weird.  Why does he think he's not good company.  I think as I gather up my belongings and head towards my next class.   The bell rings, and I wait for everyone to leave the area.

"Madame Fraizer?"

"Yes, dear?"

"I was wondering why Liam is so hot and cold? I mean he's nice one minute and then his mood changes on a dime the next." I ask as she sighs and puts her papers down. 

"I can't tell ye what's going on in Liam's life right now because if I did I would be betraying his trust.  I can tell ye that he will warm up to ye, if ye stick with him.  Just keep talking to him and he will eventually give you his number.  Just be patient with him and yerself, okay?" she explains as I nod and put my backpack on.

"Thank you, Madame."  I say as I walk towards the door.

Olivia, do ye possibly have a small crush on Liam?

"Ew, no. Of course not." I answer too quickly as I rush out of there. I don't know why I was so quick to answer though. Do I have a crush on Liam? I think as I head to the Cafeteria for lunch.

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