Chapter 8: Glow-Up

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After Madame Blanc dismisses class, I bolt out of the classroom and the library to my dorm room. It is a miracle that I didn't run into any walls this time. 

"Woah killer! Where is the war?" Sam asks with an amused smile on her face as she puts down what she is reading for an English class.  I paced back and forth the length of our dorm room.  I look around the room trying to calm myself and I see my closet, chestnut wood dresser across it and my bed on the left. My bed has a purple duvet with a banket filled with inspirational quotes on it that mom gave me. My eyes then land on my blue safe that I use as my nightstand and holds all my books inside of it, a lamp, chargers and glasses adorn it. I keep pacing on my cute fluffy grey rug between my bed and my closet. My fridge and microwave are in my closet on top of each other. My eyes wonder to my snack table under my towel rack that is about half way in the room.  My desk has my light blue mini Keurig, pictures of my family, tissues, and etc. Posters adorn the walls above my desk. The bathroom door is a few feet behind my desk. I then skim over Sam's side of the room which is closest to the window. Sam's bed is against the back wall with the window above it. Her desk is on the right side of the back of the room.  She has red neon lights glittering from the ceiling Infront of her desk. She has different posters of Cardi B, Beyonce, and various other pop stars on her walls. Her black duvet is covered with different papers and homework.  Her desk is filled with pictures of family, friends, and her girlfriend.

"Liv, what the hell happened?" Sam asks as she sets down "Jane Eyer" on the bed.  Liam did not just ask me out! I can't go, it's a school night. Mom would absolutely murder me if I went to a party tonight.

"Um Liv, snap out of it." Sam is suddenly in my face as I clear my head from my anxiety. She smiles at me waits for me to form the words.

"Liam asked me out to go to Sig party tonight! I can't go, it's a school night. I have nothing to wear and I have never been to a party before! What if he runs away from me because I don't want to drink alcohol-?"

"OMG! Liv! Stop overthinking this! Of course you can go, you are an adult. If you want to go, you go to this damn party. As for clothes, I've got you covered girl. If he runs from you for not drinking, then I will kick his ass." Sam promises as I giggle with blush coming up on my cheeks.

"You like him, huh?" Sam asks as I nod in response and she runs to her closet with a smirk on her face.  She pulls out two outfits that I could barrow. One is a jean skirt with a blue crop top and the other is a Ailey gold and teal blue skater dress that shows quite a bit of cleavage.

"Um...I can't wear those, do you maybe have something that's perhaps more modest?" I ask nervously as Sam cracks up laughing.

"Girl trust me, you want to show a little skin. If you like this guy, you want to him to notice you." She says with her arms crossed over across her bosom. I look over each of the options and finally decide on the skater dress. Jess pulls out some black heals and gold jewelry to tie the outfit together. 

"Good choice.  He won't know what hit him!" Sam squeals happily as I fold the dress up and put in on my desk. I really hope I won't regret this.


After finishing some homework for my classes, I am dressed in the skater dress which fits my body perfectly. My strawberry-blonde hair is curled and a face full of makeup. Sam helped me put on black mascara, dark blue eye liner, teal eye shadow, rose blush, and rose red lipstick.  She also helped with the gold jewelry.  I strapped on the black heels and I am currently sitting on my bed waiting for his text.

"What time did he say that he would come over to pick you up?" Sam asks as she gets herself ready to out to a party. She decided to go with the jean skirt and blue crop top. Sam is currently curling her hair  and putting it into a pony tail.

"He didn't, all he said was that he'd text me." After Sam calmed me down, I texted Liam and said I was down for this party. He responded a minute later saying he would text me when he was outside my dorm.

"Well, I have to go meet my boyfriend so good luck! Call or text me if you need anything." I sigh and flop backwards on my bed in angst as the door closes. I look around my room at all the posters on the walls. That's when I realize that I can go over to the Sig frat and let him worry about me. I am about to go out the door with my phone and small tote on my shoulder, when my Apple Watch bings to let my know I received a text. I open my phone to the messaging app and I see a text.

"Hey, sorry that took so long, my brothers wouldn't let me leave Sig." Okay unknown number, great. I quickly type back my response.

"Um...Who is this." I ask and three dots appear after about a second.

"It's Liam, lol. I'm downstairs, and gonna walk you to the Sig house, since its off campus." My heart pounds in my chest with excitement as I rush down the stairs and to the door. This is gonna be the best night ever.

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