Chapter 11: The Ban

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I never thought my heart could come back alive after Greg broke it. His warm hands on my hips feels incredible and so do his lips. Liam eventually pulls away from me and smiles down on me. He takes all the breath away from me.

"Liv, I have a crush on you and I was wondering if you would like to go out some time?" He ask as he rakes a nervous hand through his dark brown hair.

"I also have crush on you and I would love to go out with you." I say and he smiles back at me which causes my breath to catch in my chest. He then gives me a quick kiss on the lips. I then look over at the time on my phone and realizes that it is 6:00pm.

"I should probably head back to my dorm room and get ready for tomorrow." I say as his adorable face falls ever so slightly in disappointment. He nods in agreement and he lets me borrow one of his t-shirts and pair of shorts. We walk back to my dorm and he kisses me goodbye before he heads back to the Sig house. I watch him go for a few minutes and then unlock the front door. I walk up the steps till I get to my room and unlock that door.

"What happened???? Tell me all the tea, I am dying!!" Sam says from her bed when I walk into the room. I lightly chuckle and shake my head as I place my purse down on my bed.

"Well, I obviously got fucked up, I slept in his bed with him, we talked and kissed. He then admitted that he has a crush on me and asked me out on a date. He then let me borrow his t-shirt and shorts to walk home because the dress is covered in puke. I am so sorry by the way!" I say as Sam mouth spreads into a huge smile.

"I don't give a shit about the dress. What I do give a shit about is that he KISSED you!!" Sam squeals with happiness and I laugh at her.

"How is he at kissing? Who made the first move?" Sam asks and I laugh at how excited she is about this.

"He is a great kisser and I made the first move." Sam smile spreads across her lips and to her eyes. I can tell she is really excited for me. My phone starts to ring and I grab it from my purse.

"OH SHIT!" I exclaim as I do a double take at my mom's name coming up on my phone.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks with concern on her face as I continue to stare at my phone with absolute fear.

" mom is calling me. She called me a lot last night during the party and I was drunk so I never answered." I say as my voice goes up two octaves and Sam gives me a sympathetic smile. I take a deep breath and answer the phone.

"Hi mom." I say bracing for my mother to yell and scream at me.

"Why didn't you answer me when I call you last night? Are you okay? What happened?" Mom asks with worry in her loving voice.

"Yes mom. I'm okay, I just was busy last night, so I couldn't answer you." I say while I stammer from nerves.

"Busy, huh. You couldn't pick up the phone to let me know that you were okay and say you had a lot of homework? You scared me shitless last night, Olivia! I don't care if you are in college, I expect you to pick up the phone when I call you. Are we clear?" Mom scolds and I agree with her.

"Mom, I didn't pick up because I had a lot of homework. It was because I was with this guy named Liam and he took me to a party last night. I got a little drunk and that's why I didn't answer." I say with a little fear in my voice.

"OLIVIA ISABELLA CALLIS! LAST NIGHT WAS A SCHOOL NIGHT, HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID!" Mom screams through the phone and I open Sam and my door. Sam was looking at me with a concerned expression as mom continues to yell at me.

"I know it was stupid, mom. I like Liam and he likes me as well. I originally wasn't going to drink but then these girls started making fun of me." I say and my voice starts to crack at remembering what they said.

"What did these girls say to you exactly?" Mom asks with concern in her voice instead of pure anger.

"They said that my outfit looked rustic. Then they said that My 'daddy' would be so proud that I am living up to his name as a loser. Lastly they said that Liam was so honored to have me in his house since he won't even fuck me." I say as silent tears start to roll down my cheeks.

"Baby, these girls sound like bitches. They were probably jealous of how beautiful you look and that Liam has a crush on you. You can't let these girls get to you and then you start to drink. I know that your dad has given you 'daddy issues' but you can't let it bother you too much. Is there a free therapist on campus?" Mom says with comfort radiating off the phone into me.

"I think so." I say with a sniff as I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Okay, maybe you should go talk to the school therapist. I don't want you to think there is anything wrong with you. It might be helpful to talk to someone who can give you more advise." Mom advises in that loving voice that brings me comfort.

"Okay." I say as I nod with the tears coming down my face again.

"I will say this though. I don't think this Liam boy is good for you. I know you like him but I wouldn't date him, he will only hurt you. You can do what you want but that is my advise. Your uncle is calling and I have to talk to him about your grandparents. Go get some rest and don't worry about those mean girls. I love you, baby." Mom says as she hangs up and I take a deep breath before going back into my room. Sam is fast asleep and I get ready for bed. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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