Chapter 9: Party Time

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I rush down the steps of the dorms and out into the crisp August autumn air. I see a tall figure on the sidewalk and a part of me is worried that it is robber. I sigh a sigh of relief when Liam steps out into the light of the lamppost. He hasn't looked up from his phone yet thankfully because I am staring at him. His messy dark brown curly hair is in his eyes again, which absolutely kills me. His light brown skin is slightly touched by the moonlight but it is mostly darkened by the shadows. He is wearing that sexy gray t-shirt and jeans with the holes. Of course his chest is showing because of that stupid collar. Is this man trying to kill me???!!! I clear my throat and he looks up. His dark brown chocolate eyes sparkle in the moonlight and my breath catches in my throat. He comes up to me with shocked eyes and we are about a step's-length apart.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He says as he moves my strawberry blonde hair out of my eyes and caresses my cheek. I can feel my legs wobbling and shaking at his warm touch.

"Thank you. You look great too!" I say with blush still at my cheeks and he smiles at me. I am pretty sure that my heart has just stopped in my chest.

"Shall we head to Sig?" He asks as I nod my head in agreement and he reaches for my hand. I feel his warm long fingers laces through mine. His hand feels so good against the autumn cold.

"How was the rest of your day?" He asks me after a few moments of incredibly awkward silence between us.

" was fine. I went back to my dorm after my last class and did all my homework for tonight. Then, I asked my roommate if I could barrow this dress because the one I was gonna wear tonight got spaghetti sauce on it from dinner." I explain as he rubs the top of my hand with his thumb. My heart does a little happy-flutter-dance. We pass a couple houses as we get father away from campus. The houses are blue, yellow, green, gray and etc. I cannot believe how close he is to me and how amazing his hand feels on my skin. It feels like my heart is flying and gravity doesn't exist.

"Oh cool, sorry about your dress though." Liam says apologetically as we cross the street on the McDonald's intersection.

"It's fine. It is what I get for eating spaghetti for dinner I guess." I say with a shrug of my shoulders and he smiles at me.


When we reach the fraternity house; I can hear the cheers and music from out here. I look at the house and it is a dark gray color with four floors. The basement isn't visible from this angle but I have heard that they have one. There letters: ΑΣΦ are painted on the outside in red, I have never seen a house like this one before. There is a porch with a sink on the right side of the porch for some weird reason. Liam walks up to the front door and opens it for me. I thank him as I walk in and there is a table with one of the brothers sitting at it. He has long blonde hair and very tall.


"Olivia Callis." I say and he smiles at me while nodding. It is almost as if he knows who I am which slightly concerns me.

"HEY LIAM! What's up my brotha from another motha?!" Another brother with short Platinum blonde hair staggers into Liam looking wasted as fuck.

"Hey Tyler! Nothing man, I am just escorting this lovely lady to the partay." Liam says gesturing to me and introduces me. Tyler kisses my hand all drunk and high. Liam then pushes him away as he gives him the middle finger. I walk into the hallway and look at all the brothers that came before the current one's pictures. This fraternity has been around for a long time. I walk father and see the living room which has more pictures and some couches. Over the fire place is two pictures of two brothers who died at a very young age. The plagues say: "Thomas Jordan lived 1980-2000 (20), he was a beloved brother and will be dearly missed; Jeff Cole lived 2000-2023 (19), he always knew how to liven up the room."

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