Chapter 3: 1st Morning at College

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I set my alarm to 8:00 am because my first class starts at 9:00am and it takes 30 minutes to get there on the fastest route according to the map I printed.

"Ring-ring-ring-ring!" I reach my arm and hit "end" on my light blue phone. I pull the dark blue comforter off of my shivering body. I stand up as I pull out my satchel from my closet and start packing all my reading books with my supplies. I then go into our bathroom and put on my new Parisian outfit. It is a cream tee shirt and a dark blue skirt with a brown belt around my waist.  I pull a brush through my tangled hair and let it fall to my shoulders. I pack "Court" and my diary into my blue satchel. I also take my new school schedule as I read it over for the millionth time confirming that I have British Lit at 9:00am.


After I read it, I stuff my schedule in my bag and put it by my bed. I go into my closet and grab my black leather short boots with brown leather buckles. Lastly, I put on my dark blue barre with a light blue bow on the side and my new charm bracelet. I look over at Sam's bed but she is still asleep. I shake my head while laughing silently and grab my bag. I pull out my map and walk to the dinning hall filled with amazing smells flooding into my nose. There is a buffet line filled with pancakes, oatmeal, cereal, pop tarts, fruit, protein bars, eggs, bacon etc. I fill a bowl of "Raisin Bran" cereal and walk to an open table. I sit down and I pull out "Court"as I eat my breakfast and continue where I left off in my book.

My alarm goes off signaling it is ten minutes till 9am and I look at the map. My first class is in room 25 and I'm gonna be late on my first day! Her room is on the second floor on the right side of the hall. I run up the steps and right into the wall of her room. I wince in pain as I rub my aching head and I'm on the floor. I open my eyes and there is a woman sitting next to me slapping my cheeks lightly.

"Are you alright?" She asks in a concerned tone as she pulls me up off the floor. I'm completely blushing in embarrassment as I look around at so many kids my age trying not to laugh at me.

"I'm fine. I just didn't want to be late and punctuality is very important to me." I say as she smiles impressed that I ran into the wall for punctuality. Super! .

"Well, I'm Professor Bonnay and it's good to meet you Miss..." Professor Bonnay searches for my name.

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