Chapter 1: Last Night in My Childhood Home

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Dear Diary,

I am starting college in three days and I am bursting at the seams! This is so much fun, well living there will be; but getting there is terrible. I am dying to start my classes and start the next chapter of my life!

I'm also happy to get a change of scenery. After my breakup with Greg, everything reminds me of him. I am really happy we broke up tho cause he had a horrible work ethic. He would be on his phone all the time at school and at his job at the local grocery store. He once cursed out a customer just because they were mean and he said 'I have a short fuse'. He seemed so nice in the beginning but then he became a real asshole after his dad died. He wouldn't even open up to me about it and tried to forget that it happened. You can't forget something like that. Anyways ...

Mom is so proud and excited for me but I'm worried about her because I am all she has. My dad left my mom when I just turned two and we haven't seen him since. I mean he'll call once and a while but not very often. I made up my mind long ago that I would pretend he never existed in my life or mom's. It's just easier this way for the both of us. Anyway, I have to pack for COLLEGE so mom doesn't scold me for not starting to yet lol.

"Olivia? Are you finished packing yet." Mom calls out from our small living room which has a buffet table, couch, and a flatscreen tv. Windows surround it and gives it a happy vibe to our small home. Our little apartment on Glasshouse on 160 E Station Square Drive. It has a perfect view of the Monongahela River and downtown Pittsburgh. My turquoise room has two windows with window seats that look out onto the river. I'll sometimes sit and read, draw, or talk to friends on. My dark blue bathroom connects to my room with a shower and a small sink. My light and dark blue queen bed is in the middle of the room. My fancy nightstand next to it with a mountain of romance books on top. A dark blue and white duvet covers the top of my white wooden dresser. My perfumes and my jewelry box rest on top of it as my mirror hangs down from my light blue wall. My bookshelf is filled with sifi, romance, fiction, and Christian fiction books. Me and mom fill picture frames with our smiling faces. You're probably wondering where my dad is, right? Well he is in a special box that is made for only him. I don't have pictures of him lying around because mom is still upset about their divorce that happened 16 years ago. When she's not looking, I'll go into my closet that is connected to my room and look through old pictures in that box that is on top of the self.

"Um...ya." I call back to her as she comes into my room with a laundry basket on her hip.

"You're finished huh? Oh Livvy, you got to stop writing in that diary of yours." Mom laughs knowingly cause we are what some people call personality twins. She walks in my room and drops the basket on the carpeted floor. My mom moves her dirty blond long hair out of the way of dark blue eyes. My mom is really pretty and one of the smartest people I know. I got her dirty blond hair, dad's eyes and his curly ginger hair. So, I was born with strawberry-blond curly hair.  I not gonna explain punnet squares to y'all, so...anyway. I get my obsession with reading and romance from mom. I get my humor for my dad, according to mom, but I don't see it.

"I'm sorry, mom. I just have some feelings I wanted to get down since this is my last night in my room." I apologize as I close my diary and lock it with a key that is around my neck.  I walk over to one of the boxes that has "Olivia's diary and writings" written on it in mom's handwriting.

"It's okay Liv, but you need to be done packing by 9pm. You don't want to be grumpy at 6am tomorrow when you've gotten no sleep and the movers come." Mom points out sternly she helps me put all my clothes into my clothes box.

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