Chapter 7: Electronic Art with a Confused Heart

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He laces his warm fingers through mine as he pulls me down the hall way.  My heart takes flight again at the feeling of his touch. He leads me out of the cafeteria and inside the library. This possibly the coolest thing I have ever seen in my 18 years of life.  This library is absolutely freakin' amazing! The selves go all the way up to the ceiling and books flood every single one.  I feel just like Belle from "Beauty and the Beast" when he gives his library as a gift.  Liam suddenly stops at a door on the right side of the second floor of the library. In the room there is a front row of desks filled with a few students who facing a the professor and I almost plow right into him. 

"Ah Monsieur Beaufort, it seems you finally decided to show up." The professor who I presume as Madame Blanc. Liam just shrugs and sits down in a seat closest to the door with his feet up on the table. I trail in behind him and sit in the seat to his right.

"As I was saying, this is Electronic Art 101 and I am Madame Blanc. We will be using the Procreate app and you will need an iPad. You can use your phone but it will be more difficult to accomplish the assignments for this semester. You will also need a Apple Pencil or some type of electronic pencil. Procreate is $5.99 on the App Store; so you will need to buy it or get in to contact with a parent to spot you the money." Lucky for me; I already had an iPad, Apple pencil, and the Procreate app. I pull out my iPad and Pencil ready to draw. Liam looks over at me with a "you are really nerdy" look. Why does he keep doing that? One minute he's sweet and the next, he's mean?

"Alright, we are going to go over how to get a new canvas and using the toolbar." Madame Blanc explains as she goes into Procreate and stays in the home page.

"Can anyone tell me how to get a new canvas?" She asks us and I can't believe I have to sit through this. This is the easiest question in the book. I am about to raise my hand but Liam beats me to it.

"You hit the plus sign in the top right corner." Liam says without taking his eyes off of mine with a wink.

"That is correct but I require you to raise your hand in my class Monsieur Beaufort." Madame Blanc instructs as she hits the plus sign with her Apple Pencil. I cannot believe he winked at me! Liam takes out a notebook and starts writing in it. I watch Madame Blanc go through all of the mediums that you can use on the app. Suddenly, I feel a piece of paper land on my arm. I look over at Liam and he has a mischievous smile on his face while looking at the teacher. I grab the note and place it on my iPad so Madame Blanc isn't able to see it.

"Hey." I look at the word written in his messy but elegant handwriting. I stare at it completely shocked for a moment.

"Hi?" I pass the note back to him and he smirks at my questioned "hi". He takes a five minutes to write a response and the suspense is killing me.

"I'm going to a party tonight, would you want to come along and be my date? I promise that you will be perfectly safe and back by midnight." I glance at him out of corner of my eye with my eyebrows raised in question. He looks back snickering quietly as he writes more and pushes it towards me.

"Is that a yes?"

"Um...Can I get back to you on that?"


"Your assignment for Wednesday is to practice what we went over in class. We will have a short quiz on this as well." Madame Blanc says as we pack up and I rush out of the room with a fuzzy brain.

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