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It's been over 150 years since she been home, never thinking of coming back but Damon needs her. calling asking for help, that Stefan turned it off and left town with some vampire and needs her to come back. If the problem wasn't this serious she would never come back to mystic fall she left for a reason.

"Damon I'm home" the women yells as she opens the door to the manner and walks in.

"and who are you" a blond girl asks her. "I should be the one asking that, you are in my home" the women replies smiling "your home" the blond questions "Yes, now what is your name" the women asks more demanding.

"Caroline and you are" she questions "Lilith Salvatore, I'm guessing Damon didn't tell you I was coming, did he" She asks "Salvatore" another girl asks "Guessing because you don't know who I am you must be Elena"

"Yes" she replies "so where is Damon" Lilith asking walking over to the couch's and placing her bags. "he's out right now" Elena asks nervously "No need to be scared I'm Damon and Stefen's sister, I won't harm their friends" Lilith smirk's.

"how come they never mention you before" Caroline questions "Stefan not one to brag, Damon probably got distracted" looking over at Elena and then at her phone. 

"Hello brother, where are you" Lilith demands "At home why" Damon lies over the phone "Liar, I know your not, because I'm here and your nowhere to be found" Lilith signs "really your home" he questions "Yes I have even meet your friends Elena and Caroline, who you didn't tell I was on my way" she playful hurt.

"I'll be there soon" he says "you better be or I'll help myself the family's cellar" she smirks "you wouldn't". he said not believing her " you better hurry home and found out" she laughs and hangs up.

"so what all this" pointing to the decoration she asks "It's Elena's 18th birthday and were throwing her a party" Caroline smiles "18 huh, so you here throwing a party, while Stefens out there killing people" Lilith says with a angry look on her face.

"we can't find him, we can't just put our life on hold" Caroline replies "good point" Lilith sighs now calm "Happy birthday Elena".

"Thanks" she said, Lilith grabs her things and goes upstairs to her room.


"So you were out tracking Stefan" Lilith asks her brother "Yeah, found some bodies in Tennessee, some wolfs" Damon says drinking his bourbon.

"are you going to tell what happened. I came all this way on only half the story" Lilith looked at him "Sit down, it's a long story" he points the chair.

"So he's with Klaus" Lilith looks down "I'm sorry, if I told you that part you might not have come back, I know your history with that family better than anyone" he looks at her "trust me brother, my love for Stefan is stronger than my hatred for him" she looks into his eyes.

"But you don't hate all of them" he sits next to her "no just one". Lilith looked down as her tears fall.


Later that night

"should you be really, doing that" Lilith ask the kid "no really, but it helps me" he smoke his cigarette "can I ask what happened" she drinks her beer. "Now should you be really drinking that" he smirks "I'm older then I look, unlike you drinking doesn't kill me" she smiles "Jeremy Gilbert" he holds out his hand "Lilith Salvatore" she shakes his hand. "Salvatore" he questions "I'm Damon and Stefan's sister"

"Came back to help Stefan" he Questions "yeah, It was great talking to you, but I got to go" she stands up. "you know where I am if you want to talk" he says.

She walks out of the room to the main party and see her brother.

"What a nice party, huh Damon" Lilith takes his drink and downs it." Hey that mine" he sits up "aren't you chaperoning this party, " She smirk's "Doesn't mean I can't drink a little"

"I think that's exactly what that means" she giggles "are you drink" he question. "Ah look my little brother Damon, being all adult like" Lilith giggles again. "your older than me, maybe you should act like it" he grabs the cup.

" and what kind of fun is that" she sits next to him and Alaric just now realizing he's there.

"Damon who is she" Alaric asking the sober Salvatore "Lilith Salvatore, you must Alaric the history teacher/vampire hunter" she smiles at him talking for her brother "she's my sister, I called her here to help with Stefan"

"when were you going to tell me you had a sister" the human looks at the male vampire. "because I didn't know when she was coming, I planned to tell everyone"

"you didn't think, I would be on my way as soon as you told me, you need my help" she said hurt. "I did but I thought you would be here tomorrow" he looked at her.

"I need a drink" Elena walks over and interrupts "Jeremy smoking again" she tells us. like I care let him do it you only live once or twice.

"can you talk to him please he looks up to you" Elena demands Alaric and walks away. " I say let him smoke, It probably helps him" Lilith tells Alaric but he walks away.

Lilith (Klaus Mikealson x oc)Where stories live. Discover now