I love you

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The Mikealson Home

"why isn't she waking up it's been hours" Klaus said angry, he's been upset ever since he saw Thomas walking over to him with Lilith in his arms. Lilith laid on his bed unconscious, she's been like this since the witch house.

"does she need blood, I know she doesn't drink a lot and it has been a few days since she has drink some" Klaus sat next to her, "what do you mean, it's been a few days. she shouldn't been drinking any" Thomas said in confusion, "she hasn't said anything" he paused thinking they told each other everything "she's been drinking my blood"

"WHAT" Thomas yelled in anger his accent slipped out "she said it doesn't make her what to kill people and she's has more energy now" 

"its doesn't make sense," Thomas sighed "I'm going to see, if there's anything about this, happening before" Thomas stood up "do you know how long she will be like this" Klaus grabbed her hand.

"I'm not sure, but she was linked to your sibling and she not an original, it could been hours or even days. all we can do is wait" Thomas got up and left, not able to do anything for her, because all he tell is their is nothing wrong with her, she just unresponsive.

Klaus stayed with her all night unable to do anything for her, he slept next to her holding her and kissing her head, he was sacred, when she started to desiccated, he felt like he was losing her all over again.

Flashback 1856- [Lilith's dream]

"aren't you excited for tonight" Ana said putting her hands on my shoulders "of course I am. but I can't help but be nervous" Lilith signed deeply.

"of course your nervous. it's yours and Nik's one year anniversary" Ana said smiling she was happy that I was happy. when I arrived to Spain over a year ago, I wasn't happy, I didn't feel free like I wanted to be. that even though I escaped that house, I didn't have the sense of freedom as I do now. with Nik he makes me feel safe, something I never really felt before.

Ana got ready as Elijah through a party to celebrate. small not many people, it was my one condition for when Elijah ask to through a party. if I was up to me it would just be me and Nik, a nice dinner, a late night walk and then cuddling just being in each others presence. deep down she was hoping the other thing would happened, but every time it gets to that point, he finds a reason to leave. ;);)

"Girls. their here" Lola yelled from downstairs, "Lets go Lilith, we don't want to keep them waiting" Lilith smiled nervously as they both headed down the stairs. Ana walked towards marcel and Nik walked up to me as he linked our arm. Marcel and Ana were already in the buggy, as Nik helped me get in.


later that night

the party went on, Lilith was surprised with the amount of fun she had. she still wished to just be alone with Klaus, for most of the night they were joined by men and women Lilith didn't really know. even though it was a anniversary party and everyone was aware who the people was for, women still flirted with Klaus, it would have upset Lilith, but Klaus turned them away not wanting to make a scene, what Lilith didn't know was Klaus wanted to tell them off or kill them but didn't want to ruin the party. 

"are you having a good time, Lilith" Klaus came up to her and wrapped his arms around her, knowing this isn't exactly what she would have wanted. "Elijah is very generous, I'm having fun" Lilith manages a smiles. "Lilith. just say the word and we can leave. I was planning on it anyway" Klaus kissed her temple and grabbed her hands, as the music got slower, "one dance, drown out everyone else, its just you and me" Lilith smiled as she grabbed his hand and shoulder.

Lilith (Klaus Mikealson x oc)Where stories live. Discover now