I can never hate you

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Lilith was at a coffee shop when she got a call, a call from a unknown number.

"hello" she said calmly "hello love" the man said "you have five secs, before I hang up Klaus" she said angerly "you know I hate it when you call me that" he said unpleased, "you compelled Stefan to turn off his humanity and hurt Damen along with their friends, I don't care if you like it or not" she yelled. as the people around her looked at her.

"what do you want Klaus" she continued, "I wanted to hear your voice Lilith" he sounded hurt, "and why now, you been gone for a week" she sighed as she left the shop. "I needed time".

"So you just wanted to talk" she said walking down the street. "Yes do you have any idea, how it feels to see someone who you believed died, to be alive" he yelled "how to you think I felt nik" she paused "to have all my memories back, the ones you took from me" she yelled back at him.

"how do you think I felt when you left or when I find out you complied Stefan to go dark" she yelled as tears roll down her face as she gets home and runs to her room.

"I'm sorry Lilith" tears pool in his eyes "I wish I can change the past" he puts his head in his hand. "I can't just forgive you like that, nik" the tears continue "I know, just one I'm sorry can't make up for everything, so I'm coming back to mystic falls to fix it"

"your going to get Stefan to turn it back on" she smiles "Yes, I'm going to try and fix everything" the tears in his eyes fall "I missed you Nik" she cries "and I you, you have been a constant though in my mind, since than". he cries

"do you hate me" he continued " I might be mad at you, but I can never hate you" she smiled and looked down "good" he smiles "but I do hate Elijah, Nik" she frowned unpleased with her own response "I blame him for everything" she continued.

"I understand, I hope one day you can forgive us both, try to remember all the good things he done for you, for us" he smiled " like what" she questioned "think back to when we first meet"

she smiled as she laughed "I remember now, you were an ass even than" he laughed not caring about the comment.

"I knew you would" he paused hearing someone else in the back ground "I have to go Lilith, I will see you when I get back to town"

"goodbye Nik" she hangs up she laid down and thought back to a few day after her and Klaus first meet.


1853 in a Small town somewhere in Spain 

Lilith was walking down the street in town with Ana, only a few days after the party. only a few days after, she met him. she couldn't stop thinking about him, about the kiss. she wanted to see him again, but her only problem was she didn't know how or where to find him. as much as she wanted to go look for him, she was hoping he would come find her, that he felt the same as she did.

"So when are you going to tell about this mystery man of yours" Ana asked her friend "what mystery man" Lilith questioned her knowing  exactly who she was talking about "the guy you meet at the party last week" 

"his name is Klaus" Lilith smiled at her "Klaus, what a strange name" Ana giggle at her friend "hey don't laugh" Lilith say angary "you like him, don't you" Ana stood in front of Lilith .

"maybe" Lilith blushed "oh my you really like him" Ana was ecstatic, she's been trying to get Lilith out of her comfort zone for awhile.

"he kissed me" Lilith blushed as she smiled  "I'm so happy for you, will you see him again" Ana asked "I'm not sure, but I hope so" Lilith gives her a smile.

"I'm happy for"  Ana said when she bumped into someone "sorry about that, I wasn't looking where I was going" the tall tan man said "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention" Ana told the man "My names is Ana" she smiled at the man "Marcel" he smiled at her "and this is Lilith" Ana gestured to me, not knowing what else to do in this situation "this is my friend Elijah" we both look over not even realizing he was there.

"hello ladies, sorry about my friend here, he acts like a child sometimes" Elijah said making the girls laugh "it's ok" Lilith told him "so what are you too lovely ladies doing in town" Marcel asked brushing off his friends comment "just some shopping, what about you" Ana answer him "were looking for are friend,  hes 5'11, with light brown hair and blue eyes" marcel asked the two women "no haven't seem anyone like that" Ana said looking at Lilith to see if she knows.

"your looking for Klaus" Lilith said knowing exactly who they were talking about because she couldn't stop thinking about him "you seen my brother" Elijah focused on Lilith. "no but I meet him the other today at the party" Lilith spoke the men both go wide eye knowing exactly what happened that night. "mm" Marcel cleared his throat "Ana would you like to go for a walk" Marcel asked "sure, Lilith I will see you at home" Ana said as she left with Marcel.

Lilith found it weird that she would just leave like that, but she was more out there than she was. "mind helping me found Niklaus" Elijah asked Lilith as his accent stood out "Niklaus" she asked confused "Niklaus was the name our mother give him at birth" he smiled as walked down the street "so Klaus is his nickname" he laughed at that comment "yes, but our sister, Rebekah calls his nik" Lilith smiled thinking how much she liked that name better than Klaus.


They continued walking looking in every store, thinking of places that he could be in "you must be really worried about him" Lilith said thinking Klaus was old enough to be out on his own. "Everywhere we go my brother always finds ways to get into trouble"  he said sighing because he always has to get Klaus out of it.

"Is he really that bad" maybe he's not like, how I thought he was. maybe he was using me Lilith thought to herself .

"Lilith" Elijah stop them both standing in front of her "ever since the party Niklaus hasn't stop talking about you" he looked at her sincerely "really" she smiled not completely believing him "yes, he was completely taken by you" he smiled comforting her.

she couldn't say anything back to him, she couldn't find the words. so she just gave Elijah a nod.

They walked into a bar, thinking it was to early for him to be drinking, but thought maybe he could be having a meeting or something. they both didn't expect what they saw.

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