you big baby

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***smut warning***

"Damon what happened last night can't happen again" Lilith yelled at her brother. "Lilith we both know going cold turkey, won't help him". he sighed "I agree, but the way you handled it, that wasn't the way". Lilith was mad at her brother for what he had done even if he was trying to do the right thing.

"what should we do then" Damon wondered sitting on the couch, "Thomas and I can help him, teach him some ways, have him drink animal blood, or blood bags in small doses, vervain even"

"are you sure this will help him" Damon looked at his sister, "I hope it help him more then it does me" she looks away, "what do you mean"

"I don't have full control like Thomas, didn't you see me last night. I have days where I don't want to hold back and just let it take over me, drain the blood of everyone I see" a tear fell from her face.

"I'm sorry, Lilith" Damon gets up and walks over to her, giving her a hug. "How do you keep it in. How do you not go over the edge" Damon asks still holding her rubbing her back comforting her. "I have gotten more control since I been here. I um I" Lilith paused not knowing how he would respond.
"Lilith your my sister, I won't judge you" He let's go of her, "I drink Nik's blood, for some reason, when I do. I don't want to kill people, it calms me" Lilith said not looking him in the eye.
"Like when Stefan drink from Elena, he felt control" Damon wondered sitting on the couch, not understanding. "I'm not sure Damon, Thomas is trying to figure it out".

"I hope he does". Damon trying to make eye contact with Lilith.


Alaric lays down in the MRI scanner, "what are you hoping to find" Lilith asks as her, Elena and Meredith, watch Alaric in the scanner, "I'm not sure, anything that can explain what's happening to him" Meredith watches the screen.

"I'm not sure what you will find Meredith, but look at the frontal lobe" Lilith sighed and watched Meredith "I'm a doctor Lilith, I know how to do my job"

"well I'm a 172 year old vampire, who knows more about this than you, all you know is what you read from a book" Lilith crossed her arm smirking, "aright than, please help me"

"what do you thinks wrong with him" Elena worried "the gilbert ring. when the wearer die, their soul goes to the other side, during that time. the wearers body can be used by spirits on the other side and the wearer would have no memories of it. after some time the wearer brain takes a toll and the wearer can loose control" Lilith faces Elena, "I'm sorry Elena but it doesn't look good".

"No, he's my family, I won't give up. me and Jeremey need him" Elena yells and single tears falling from her face. "I didn't say we will give up Elena, just that it wasn't looking good" the three of them face the scanner, Alaric starts to panic. "Ric calm down, we're almost done here".

"So anything" Alaric gets up from the scanner. Meredith sighed "no everything's normal".
" of course they are because nothing is wrong with me. I didn't kill brain Walter. I didn't kill Bill Forbes and I'm sure as he'll didn't stab myself with a hunting knife" Alaric looks at the gilbert ring angry.
"Or maybe I did kill them, and I'm going insane. And at any moment I can lose it" his words made Lilith fists ball up, she knew how he was feeling.

"I'm going to call Bonnie maybe she can help" Elena said grabbing her phone, "what can she do that I can't" Lilith crossed her arms, taking some offense to her words.
"Her ancestors made this ring, maybe she can reverse the damage" Elena held hope.

"Elena. This may be hard to heard. But there are thing even magic can't fix. Everything has a balance, Alaric dying and coming back the amount of time he has. Will Effect him or even bonnie if she try's to stop it. This is one of the darkest forms of magic Elena it's not to be toyed with, I know what this kind of magic does to people" Lilith put a hand on her shoulder, "don't touch me, I'm thankful that you are helping us. But I don't trust you, even if you are Damon and Stefan sister, your with Klaus" Elena pushed Lilith's hand off her, turning away from them.

Lilith (Klaus Mikealson x oc)Where stories live. Discover now