we can't give up

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"Breakfast Damon" Lilith hands him a plate "not hungry" he sips on some bourbon "heard Elena earlier, she didn't sound happy" she said as she eats.

"eavesdropping aren't we" he looks at her "can't help it if I have supernatural hearing" she smiles "what did she want" 

"Stefan called her last night and she want to go looking for him" he looks away "why are you just telling me now" she stares at him "because Stefan doesn't want to be found" Damon yells.

"His humanity is off Damon, he's not thinking straight" she yells back matching his energy.

"he killed Andie" he yells throwing his drink "I'm sorry" she hugs him "he said not to come looking for him" Damon says softly "I understand but we can't give up on him" 

"he's our little brother, it's our job to help him" she smiles at him "I know" 

"and I know you still what to help him or otherwise you wouldn't have called me" Damon sighs

"thanks for coming, I ready missed you" Damon smiles at her.


"so what are we doing in the woods" Lilith asks her brother "Looking for Elena and Ric, there here looking for Stefan" He says as they continue walking "that means Klaus is here too

"act cool, if we see him" Damon smirk "I will trust me, I'm angary at him" 

"good wouldn't, want to go running after both my sibling because you joined him" he looks at her "that's all in the past now, I'm focused on Stefan, not Klaus" she looks away "But you must have questions for him" 

"of course I do, and I will get answers in due time". there's a faint voice in the distance.

"you hear that" she asked "Yeah, I think it's Elena". they vamp speed over and it Elena and Ric, Damon pushes Elena into the lake.

"how are you here" the doppelganger asks him "thanks for the tip brother" Damon and Ric look at each other. "you sold me out" she says.

"you didn't think I would call for back up, on a full moon" Ric looks at Elena who still in the water.

"you didn't have to throw her into the lake, she going to get cold" Lilith tells her brother and help Elena out of the water. "thanks Lilith" 

"no problem, I'm here to help" she smiles "she's fine Lilith were taking her home anyways" Damon looks at us "What" both of the girls look at him

"look Elena, Klaus thinks your died, so your safe this is not safe" Damon says looking around "fine Damon you can go home and we'll find Stefan" Lilith stares at her brother.

"ok, find, but we are out of here before the full moon" they both agreed, the four continue walking.


"the sun about to set" Damon say as we all walked "we can see that Damon" Elena say "we still have plenty of time" Lilith says as we continue.

A twig snaps and a man in about his 30's walk towards us coved in blood.

"Stay where you are" Ric pulls out his crossbow and points it at him. "vampire" man attacks Damon.

Lilith grabs him and get's him off Damon, while Ric shoots him and Elena give Damon a wolfsbane grenade and they tried him to a tree. "let me guess hybrid" Ric say to the group "yeah looks like he's in transition, they travel in packs they must be close by". Lilith looks around.

"I don't think we're gonna make it back before the full moon" Ric looks panicked "if we get him to talk, we can" Lilith shakes him.  

 the man wakes up and starts to shouting. "he's turning" Damon panic's "but it's daylight" Elena looks around. "I guess doesn't matter" Lilith looks at the wolf. "we got to get out these mountains" Elena yells.

The four of us run for it as the wolf turns. 

as they run Lilith stays back.

"Lilith what are you doing run" Damon yells "go Damon get them out of here I'II draw it away" she yells. "it will catch you, let me do it" he says insisting "I'm faster, now go".

Lilith grabs the attention  of the wolf and runs the wolf goes after her.

"We have to help her" Elena says "she can take care of herself lets go" Damon yells as they keep running.


Lilith's walking looking for the wolf, he finds her and they fight, she goes to rip out his heart but Stefan does it before she can. she looks at her brother one she hasn't seen in years.

"Stefan" she said softly "what are you doing here" he throw the heart on the ground "looking for you" she said looking into his eyes.

"I'm never coming back" Stefan says "Stefan please come back, I need my brother" 

"than you should have never left" he tells her "people were starting to ask questions" she tears up "we could have gone with you" she looks away "you know why you couldn't"

"go home Lilith before Klaus finds you" he turns around "I love you Stefan, remember that" she say as she walks to the car.

Lilith (Klaus Mikealson x oc)Where stories live. Discover now