1. Wrecker Learns about "that time of the Month"

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After a grueling day of hiking on a moon to plant a listening device, the team returned to the ship. Jaylen had stayed back as she had a sprained ankle from the previous mission and needed to rest. As soon as Hunter walked into the ship his senses were in overdrive. "Jaylen? Are you alright?"
Tech was immediately tuned in to the tone Hunter was using. It was the "be calm and don't startle anyone because this is serious" tone.
Tech held his arm out to keep Echo and the rest from entering the main area of the ship.
"I'm fine Hunter. Why? What's going on?"
Hunter stepped closer to Jaylen, his hand on his vibroblade as he frantically looked around the ship for intruders.
"Your body temperature is higher than normal and I smell...blood," he stated in a low and serious voice.

Jaylen sighed and closed her eyes, holding a hand out in a stopping motion to Hunter. "I can assure you I'm fine. It's just... that time of the month for me," she stated in a soft voice as her face grew red, making her blue spots stand out.
Hunter looked at her quizzically, completely not understanding. Tech's eyes lit up, because, of course he knew what she was talking about.
Wrecker, Crosshair, and Echo all looked at each other, to Hunter, and then to Tech, with puzzled looks on their faces. Echo knew what she was talking about and was worried that Tech would embarrass Jaylen in front of the whole crew.
Tech began to speak. "It is a short period of bleeding by fertile-"
Echo quickly put a hand over Tech's mouth and said, "This is better discussed in private." He frantically looked at Crosshair and Wrecker, hoping they would drop the matter.
Of course Wrecker didn't want to miss out and it was concerning Jaylen, whom they had left alone on the ship while they were gone.
"Bleeding?! What happened?! Where are you hurt?!" He immediately pushed the others out of the way and kneeled down in front of Jaylen, holding his hands out in front of her body as he checked for visible signs of bleeding.
Echo pinched the bridge of his nose as he groaned out loud. "She's not hurt, Wrecker." He said in a tired voice.
Wrecker looked back to Echo and said, "But Tech said she was bleeding! And Hunter smells blood! How can she not be hurt?"
Crosshair, Tech, and Hunter all had bewildered looks on their faces as they looked between Echo and Jaylen. She had at this point covered her face with her hand, dying a thousand deaths and wishing she was eaten by a saarlac rather than explain female reproduction cycles to these men. They looked like men, but were technically still teenagers, and definitely acted like it sometimes. (Most of the time.)

"It's not that big a deal," she said to them. "Sit down if you want and I'll explain it to you."
Tech raised a finger, like he was in class, and opened his mouth to say something to Jaylen. Echo saw him and grabbed his finger and shook his head, no. Tech relented with a defeated look on his face. He had a file on female reproduction and the different gestational periods by species.

In the most simple terms Jaylen explained what her "time of the month" meant and the usual symptoms she experienced. Unpredictable ravenous hunger for sweet or salty snacks, irrational mood swings, bloating, and crying. Crosshair just chewed on his toothpick furiously and wouldn't make eye contact with Jaylen, pretending to be indifferent. Secretly, he was in awe that a being could bleed for seven days and not die.
Hunter was fascinated that he could sense all of her body changes- the spike in estrogen, her fluctuating body temperature, and her pheromones when she was most fertile. He tended to keep away from her during those days.
Tech listened attentively, comparing her symptoms to the notes he had already taken.
Wrecker was looking concerned, glancing between her and Tech. He was thinking she had the plague and was in need of medical attention. At the very least, in need of emotional attention.
Echo was the most mature of the group, nodding his head at her information. He had been around other females enough to know about their periods and the onslaught of chaos it caused their emotions. He was always a good listener and shoulder to cry on during that time.
"And that pretty much sums it up. It's one of the most unbearable times of my existence," Jaylen said. "If you'll excuse me now, I'm going to sulk in the back while you talk about me and pretend we never had this conversation." She stood abruptly and practically ran to the back of the ship as the boys exchanged a few bewildered glances.
"Figures the female would be high maintenance," Crosshair muttered.
"You're one to talk," Wrecker said. "Who throws a fit if we don't stock up on toothpicks?"
"It's a completely natural bodily function and she is a fertile female," Tech said.
"I've just never been around a female while she's...you know," Hunter said as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"She doesn't need us talking about her like this. She just needs one of us to be in tune with her emotional needs during this time," Echo said with confidence.
The others muttered their agreement as Hunter informed Tech it was time to leave. Wrecker watched the others and waited until no one really noticed him and went to the back to see Jaylen.

She was laying on her bunk, reading a datapad with a heat pack on her abdomen when Wrecker knocked lightly on the door. "Come in," Jaylen called out.
He stood sheepish in the doorframe, holding Lula, looking down at her.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as he gripped Lula a little tighter. He was truly concerned for her.
Jaylen smiled up at him and appreciated that he was so concerned even though she was completely embarrassed.
"I'm feeling fine, for now, just a few cramps" she said.
"Can I get you anything? I don't have any chocolate, but I do have some mantell mix saved," he offered.
Jaylen sat up and patted the spot next to her on the bunk. Wrecker's eyes brightened and he quickly went to sit next to her. She grabbed his massive hand in hers and held it on her lap. "I'm perfectly fine, Wrecker. I don't need anything right now...except I am feeling a little tired. You want to lie down with me for a bit?"
"If it makes you feel better, then yes," he said as he began to take off his armor. Jaylen helped him remove all of his armor, her heart racing as she hadn't been this close to him before in just his blacks. Wrecker began to look at her sheepishly and asked, "Do you mind if I take off my shirt? I tend to get really warm while I sleep."
Jaylen would be lying if she said she minded. Wrecker was ruggedly handsome and she often drooled over his muscled chest and abs. She could feel her face turning red as she coughed and squeaked out a "no, that's fine," to him.
He removed his shirt and laid down on his back and then adjusted the pillow and Lula and held his arm open for her to lie down on his right side. She climbed into the narrow bunk and rested her head in the crook of his shoulder. She was immediately comforted by the warmth of his skin and the smell of him- slightly sweaty with a hint of his soap. She didn't know where to place her hand and Wrecker grabbed it gently, placing her hand over his heart. He reached over and grabbed her leg, bringing it to rest over his as he sighed in contentment. He resettled his hand over hers and asked, "You comfy?" He drew small circles on her hip with his fingers, loving the feel of her tiny body against his.
Her heart was racing as she had been growing more attracted to him every day. To be lying with him, bare chested was probably the highlight of being in her "condition". Maybe she could work her hell week to her advantage.
"Yes. Very."
They both sighed in contentment as they drifted off to a very restful sleep.

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