7. Birthing Day

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Birthing Day

Jaylen had endured the hot months of the moon with her pregnant belly. How the boys endured her was a mystery. She was so cranky, weepy, happy, and uncomfortable all at the same time. The boys didn't know which Jaylen they would be dealing with on a daily basis. Would she be happy to see them or cry about her water not being cold enough to drink?
Tech had calculated her due date and the day was finally approaching. He had found a Twi'lek midwife who was willing to come live on the moon for the last week of her pregnancy and had procured enough medical equipment and supplies for any emergency.
"Are you sure I'm almost due, Tech? I don't feel like this baby is ever going to come," Jaylen said with a sigh. They were all lounging in the living room, with Wrecker rubbing her feet in his lap.
"My calculations are correct but mother nature has a way of doing things on her own. First time mothers are known to deliver after the calculated due date with a longer labor and delivery."
Jaylen sighed as Wrecker looked at her. "Don't worry, cyare. Tech and the midwife are here and everything will be fine."

Jaylen tried to carry on with routine, making meals and tending her garden. The supplies she had for the nursery were meager, but each of the clones had contributed something. She had a bassinet for when the baby would sleep in their room, and a crib for when it got bigger. She made a few stuffed animals- a tooka and a bantha. She felt like she had everything ready, except for the baby.
On the third day of the week, Jaylen was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher after breakfast with the others when her back began to hurt. She sat down and took a breath, and drank some water. Feeling like the small break was adequate she continued to load the dishwasher as Wrecker came into the kitchen. "I'm head out to check the perimeter. I shouldn't be gone longer than two hours. You can com me at any time if you need me and I'll come back," he told her. Wiping her hands on a towel, she waddled over and tried to give him a hug. Her massive belly was in the way, but Wrecker still managed to curl his body over her, and rub her back with his large hands. "I don't think this baby is going to come today," she said forlornly.
"Just try not to think about it," he said as he kissed her on the head.

Jaylen finished with the dishes and then sat down on the couch to read a book she had read many times before. Her eyes became droopy and she dozed for a while. When she awoke, she wasn't sure how much time had passed, but she needed to use the bathroom urgently. Wiping some sweat from her face, she made her way to the bathroom. With the door closed, she began to all for Hunter. "Hunter! Tech! Anyone! I'm in the bathroom!" she called out.
Hunter and Tech were close by and heard her calls. Tech gave Hunter a curious look as he stood outside the bathroom door. "I'm here, Jaylen. Is everything all right?"
"No! Everything is not all right! The baby is coming and I need help off the toilet!" She cried out.
Tech ran a hand down his face and said, "Ok, we're coming in."
"I'm having contractions, Tech. I didn't think the baby was coming today!" she whimpered.
"It's ok, just practice your breathing. We'll get you to the bed," Tech reassured her.
Hunter commed Wrecker who was only five minutes away, and called for the twi'lek midwife, Sirra.
Hunter and Echo began to prepare their small bed with a plastic sheet and set up the instrument tray for Tech and the midwife.
"It's going to be ok, Jaylen, everything will be fine," Tech kept reassuring her.
Wrecker stormed into the room, asking, "What's happening? Is the baby here yet?" He looked around at the surprised faces of everyone.
"No, the baby is not here yet but Jaylen's water has broken. The baby will arrive in due time," Tech said over his shoulder.
Sirra, a young lilac colored twi'lek, came into the room, and in a calm and commanding voice said, "Gentlemen, I thank you for your preparations. Now, if you will excuse us, I will assist in the birth of the baby. Wrecker, you may stay, after you shower." She turned to Jaylen and began to talk softly to her, asking questions and then permission to touch her belly. She helped her breath through a contraction and then got her stethoscope ready to listen to the baby's heartbeat. "He is a strong one, eager to meet you, my little mama," Sirra said.
"How do you know it's a boy? We haven't done a scan yet," Jaylen said.
"I just know," Sirra replied.

Several hours later, Jaylen was still in labor. The pushing phase had begun and Wrecker was next to her as she crouched next to the bed. "You're doing great, mesh'la. You're so strong and I know you're going to be a great mom," he said quietly. He wiped some sweat from her forehead as she turned to look at him. "I love you so much," she told him. The midwife interfered very little in the laboring process and continued to monitor Jaylen and the baby's heartbeat. Everything was going great and finally Jaylen had the urge to push. Her fear had grown but Wrecker was next to her the whole time, encouraging her, soothing her, giving her water to drink. He was more scared than anyone. He didn't want to see Jaylen in pain even though he knew it would not last a long time. He wanted her to be pain free, relaxed, and holding their baby soon. He took a breath as she squeezed his hand, a grunt of exertion coming from her mouth. "Again!" Sirra said calmly.
Sirra had set the mood of the room when she had arrived. Jaylen felt calm and peaceful and overcame her fear. She had gone on dangerous missions with the boys, survived injuries, and defeated enemies. She knew she could birth this baby and she finally did. With tears of joy she held her moist baby in her hands as Wrecker helped her to sit back against him. Sirra covered Jaylen's legs as she began shivering. Wrecker looked at Jaylen, disbelief, and yet admiration filling his face at the arrival of their sweet boy. He wiped a tear from his eye and then wiped Jaylen's tears. She laid the baby's head on her chest as she placed a hand on Wrecker's cheek and kissed him. "You did it, mesh'la. I'm so proud of you. You're so brave and I love you," he said against her lips.
Sirra cleaned up Jaylen and Wrecker cut the cord and tucked Jaylen into bed. He brought her more snacks and water as she practiced swaddling the baby and nestled him in the bed with her.
There were hushed whispers as Hunter, Echo, Tech, and Crosshair all came into the room. They all congratulated her and then Tech asked, "So is it a boy or a girl? And does the baby have a name?"
Jaylen looked at Wrecker and nodded to him. "It's a boy and we named him Archer."
All the men looked at the baby's face in awe at such a tiny being. For each of them it struck a chord differently. For one, he wanted a baby of his own. For another, he felt fearful of the responsibility to protect such a tiny one from danger. And for another one, there was longing and disappointment that maybe he would never be able to have a child of his own.

"We'll come back and check on you in a little while," Hunter said as he began to escort everyone out of the room.
Sirra sat by Jaylen's bed, taking her temperature and blood pressure. "I will stay on another two days until your milk comes in. Rest, sleep, eat. Feed your souls and your body. I'm so glad to have been a part of this experience with you," she said.
"Thank you. I felt so calm once you were here. And Wrecker helped me so much," Jaylen said.
"I can see his love for you. And his brothers, they love you too. You have a treasure in the family here," Sirra said.
She excused herself and shut the door as Wrecker laid down next to Jaylen with Archer nestled up at the top of the bed.
Wrecker stroked Jaylen's arm as they watched Archer breathe and sleep. "So, how about another one?" Wrecker asked.
Jaylen's eyes popped open and she looked at him with raised eyebrows. "If you know what's good for you, we'll both pretend you didn't just ask me that, and go to sleep."
Wrecker chuckled as he rubbed her arm again and kissed the side of her face. She kept her eyes closed but a small smile was on her face as she drifted off to sleep.

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