12. Closet Cuddles

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"Come on! Move it!" Hunter called to Jaylen and Wrecker as they ran down the empty hallway.
"I'm running as fast as I can!" Jaylen said while out of breath. Wrecker was easily gaining ground on her as his legs were so long.
The "stealth" mission was supposed to be easy. The crew had even dressed in civilian clothes in order to blend in with the crowded dining hall. Now, Hunter, Wrecker, and Jaylen were separated from the rest of their crew. Wrecker and Jaylen really didn't need to come on the mission, but they wanted to sight see and eat at the dining hall.
Crosshair's unmistakable raspy voice came over the comms. "I told you bringing them along was a bad idea."
"I wasn't the one-oof! who set off the alarm!" Wrecker said. He had caught up to Jaylen and just about trampled her. "Quick, in here!" Jaylen pulled Wrecker's massive wrist behind her.

Hunter was already out of the building with Echo and Tech. Crosshair was somewhere on top of the roof, making his way back to the ship.
"We can't leave them!" Echo said to Hunter.
"We're not leaving them, but we can't stay right now. I'm sure Jaylen will find a place to lay low," Hunter said.
He had full faith in Jaylen's ability since she had joined their team. She was quick on her feet and quick with her mouth. She was able to read people and talk her way out of sticky situations.

She shut the door quietly behind her and Wrecker and looked around the small room. She held up her flashlight to inspect where they could hide. "What now?" Wrecker asked before Jaylen shushed him with her hand over his mouth. "Be quiet!" she whispered to him harshly. With a scowl she turned back around to examine the small storage room.
She found what she was looking for and tapped Wrecker on his shoulder. She pointed up to the ceiling where a panel could be removed. He pushed up on the panel and then lifted Jaylen to go inside the small space. He looked around carefully and then climbed up into the space, cringing when the supports began to creak a little.
Jaylen was frantically motioning him forward with her hands. There was a small compartment with just enough head space for Wrecker to sit with his legs crossed, but not for Jaylen to sit next to him. She held her breath as he moved the panel back into place and then settled down. She let out small noises as he kept bumping her as she was trying to find a place and position to sit. Wrecker finally grew exasperated with her and grabbed her by the hips and sat her down on his lap with her back against his chest. She started to resist but he clamped a massive hand over her mouth and face. A flash of fear went through her body, making her freeze her movements and hold her breath as she grasped the hand on her face and part of Wrecker's thigh. Her vice-like grip on his thigh made a shot of electricity go straight to his groin. He pushed that thought out of his mind as quickly as it entered. Now was not the time to indulge in fantasies.
Her stillness startled Wrecker and he quickly lifted his palm off her face, hoping he hadn't been suffocating her.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do!" He whispered on the shell of her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
Jaylen hugged his hand and wrist to her shoulder as she said, "it's ok, I'm ok." She calmed her breathing for a moment and then relaxed against his chest. "Is this ok? I guess there aren't that many options right now..." she trailed off. She could feel Wrecker's warm breath on the back of her neck and the beat of his heart.
"Uh... yeah,.. yeah..." Wrecker said. "It's more than ok," he thought to himself. His face was burning at having her body nearly melded into his.
"How long do you think we'll have to stay in here?" Jaylen asked him.
"At least until an hour past midnight. That's when the cleaning crew will be gone."

Jaylen realized she was still holding onto his massive hand along her collarbone and chest. She was glad she was facing away from him as her face burned with a blush. She could feel the heat of his body through her shirt and pants. His legs were solid and there wasn't anything soft about him. His fingers were absentmindedly stroking the soft skin peeking out from her shirt collar and grasping a lock of her hair.
"Can I ask you something?" Wrecker asked in a whisper.
Jaylen knew despite his rough looking exterior he was really sensitive and in tune to the feelings of others.

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