11. Wrecker and the Cute-Meet

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Wrecker sighed as he fiddled with the little yellow umbrella on his drink. He furrowed his brow as he felt the cheery little accessory was mocking him. He checked the chrono on his wrist again. He was going to stay in his seat at the bar for another five minutes and then he was leaving.

Y/n had been in her seat for the past ten minutes, watching a certain man at the bar. He was tall, wide, and had a scar on the side of his head. He was handsome and exuded strength and power in the way his muscles rippled with each movement. He was watching as other people were walking into the bar and checking his chrono every few minutes. With a sigh, you decided to approach him.
"Hey Wrecker, how's it goin'?" you asked as you took the seat next to him. He looked a little distressed since there wasn't another seat open now.
"Ah, I'm doing ok. What are you doin' here? Don't you have to work at Cid's tonight?"
"I got the night off." Y/n looked at his drink and gave a small chuckle. "That isn't your usual drink. Is it very good?"
Wrecker shrugged, took out the little umbrella and slid the drink over to you, offering you a sip.
"What's wrong? You look a little down?" You asked before you took a small sip of his strong drink.
"I don't want to tell you. You'll just laugh," he said as he looked away.
"Oh, come on. Try me, big guy," you said as you laid a hand on his bicep.
He ran a hand over his face as he gave another sigh. "I was trying to meet up with a girl I found on a dating app. She said she would meet me at the bar, but she hasn't shown up yet."
Y/n kept looking at him and asked, "And how was she supposed to identify you?"
"I told her I would be here, at this bar, starting ten minutes ago, with a Spiced Spira-
"-Sunset with a shot of Corelian Whiskey, extra pineapple juice and a little umbrella?"
His eyebrows raised in surprise. "How did you know?"
"It's my favorite drink," you said as you took another sip. "And I'm RaceyRatchet99."
"You're RaceyRatchet99?! I'm GetWrecked99! You're my date for tonight?!" he asked in a whisper yell as he pointed to himself.
"I am, if you'll have me?" y/n asked as she reached for his hand.
"You're interested in me? Why didn't you just ask me out?" he asked, truly puzzled.
Now it was Y/N turn to feel nervous and doubtful. "I-I wasn't sure if you would like me, like that, in real life. Everything I said in my profile was true, so I just had to know if you felt the same way." Y/n paused for a moment. "You're pretty friendly with everyone so I just wasn't sure if we could be more than friends."  Y/n looked at him with an apologetic look in her eyes.
Wrecker sighed again and took both of y/n's hands in his own. "Oh, Mesh'la. I think you deserve someone so much better than me. You're smart and pretty, and can handle yourself at Cid's bar. You're good at sabacc and you even listen to Tech!" Wrecker was listing all the things he loved about you.
"Well, then I think we're a perfect match," Y/n said. "I'm willing to give us a try if you are?"
Wrecker cupped your cheek with his large hand and leaned in to give you a chaste kiss on your lips. "Does that answer your question?"

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