16. Burrrrnnnn....

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While working on the Havoc Marauder...

"Pardon me, Sunny." Tech knocked on the counter next to the console. He knocked again, "Sunny," as he waited for her to turn to him.
He knocked one more time, "Sunny," and waited for her to acknowledge him. Tech took another breath and touched a finger tip to the edge of his goggles. "Sunny, I have repeatedly requested that before you begin any modifications to any of the various systems on the ship, that you come directly to me to make the request."
Sunny stood up from the crouched position she was in and looked up at Tech's 6'4" frame. She still held a spanner in her hand as she rested it on her hip. "And I have repeatedly told you the modifications you have made are not within regulation and could pose a safety hazard during flight. I personally don't want to take that chance with my safety or the safety of your brothers. If you'll excuse me, I have a long list of repairs to make."
Tech just stood there for a moment, mentally digesting what she had said to him as she crouched back down to the console.
"Pardon me, Sunny," Tech said again, with just a micron of annoyance in his tone. "Ahem," he cleared his throat.
Sunny stood again, facing Tech. They had been battling for the past week as the Bad Batch had an extended stay on Coruscant while the ship was in the process of being repaired. Smiling sweetly, she looked at him, and then raised her left hand, curled the rest of her fingers so only her pointer finger was left, turned it sideways and pressed the power button on her hearing aid nestled behind her ear. She mockingly put her right hand next to her other  ear, feigning she couldn't hear him. She mimed a concerned face and everything, and then shrugged her shoulders. She dismissed him with a small wave of her fingers and sank back down to her previous position.
Tech just watched her, his mouth partially open in disbelief at her antics. If one was looking, just barely, you could see his right eye twitching.  He gave a sigh of defeat, turned, and left the ship. 

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