5. Jaylen Pregnancy

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The Bad Batch had settled in nicely to the base on the remote moon. There was an abundance of vegetation and healthy soil for farming and gardening. Tech would keep himself busy with experiments when he wasn't on a mission with the others. Jaylen proved to be a good assistant while he was gone and monitor or tend to his little plants. She was inspired to start a garden of her own of root vegetables and a few tomato like plants. They had been thriving well until some of the wildlife had taken an interest in her gardening. This is where Wrecker found her. He kept hearing some crying and sniffles and he came upon her crouched form next to the garden plot. "Mesh'la? Are you ok? Are you hurt?"
Jaylen's shoulders were shaking with the sobs she was trying to keep in. "No, I'm not ok!" she wailed. "Some vermin has eaten my plants! They're ruined!"
Wrecker placed his large hands on her shoulders, trying to comfort her as tears were streaming down her face. He had never seen her so undone except for the time he had almost died. (Which were many.)
"Well,...I can build a fence for you to keep them out."
Jaylen sobbed and sniffled. "That won't work, they'll just dig under the fence," she shot back.
Wrecker furrowed his brow, unsure of how to sooth Jaylen and her tears. "Come on cyare, let's get you inside and I'll make you some tea," he said softly.
"Ok," she said as she wiped her face with one of her hands. In the process she wiped some dirt, making a smudge of mud across her cheek.
Wrecker didn't say anything as he crouched and braced himself to help her stand. She was in her eighth month and her belly offset her balance most days. He waited a minute for the blood to flow to the right places as she dusted the dirt from her coveralls and then gently held her arm as he walked her inside. They passed Hunter and Tech as they walked to the kitchen where he guided her to a seat at the table. He brought her a warm rag to wipe her hands and then a footstool to put her feet up. He rinsed the rag and wiped the sludge of mud from her face. "Why are you doing that?" she asked in confusion.
"You had some dirt on your face from the garden," he explained gently.
"What?! And I walked by Tech Hunter with mud on my face?!" she squealed.
She covered her face with both her hands and began to sob again, much to Wrecker's confusion.
"Babe, it's ok. They've seen you in worse condition than that before," he said to try and calm her down. Those were not the words needed to sooth her.
"Oh, so now I look horrible all the time?!" she squealed again. Wrecker's mouth was agape in shock and confusion as he didn't know what he had said wrong.
"Nonono, that's not what I meant," he said as she continued to wail.
Tech and Hunter had heard the commotion by this time and poked their head into the kitchen, but didn't enter. They looked at each other in confusion and then at Wrecker to see if he needed help. He looked just as lost as they did. He raised his hands in a gesture of helplessness and confusion.
"Oh I'm so uuugly! And faaaatttt! Waaahhh!!!"
Wrecker dragged a hand over his face and let out a sigh in defeat. He couldn't figure out Jaylen's mood swings with the pregnancy and it looked like today was going to be a weepy day. He scooped her up from her chair and carried her through the kitchen, common area, and finally to their little apartment. He kicked the door shut and made his way to their bedroom, mumbling sweet words to Jaylen the whole time who hadn't stopped sobbing. He slipped off his shoes and kneeled on the bed, the mattress dipping sharply under his weight. He laid her down on the bed on her side, slipping a pillow under belly, one in between her thighs, and then slipped off her shoes. Her horrendous cries began to subside to hiccuping sobs and she tucked a hand under her face. "I don't know what's wrong with me..." she said between sobs. He laid down behind her and pulled a blanket up over her, tucking it securely around her belly and then her shoulders. He softly stroked the side of her arm and occasionally the side of her belly. "It's ok, mesh'la. Tech said you would have a lot of emotions towards the end of the pregnancy. I know you're not getting enough sleep at night and your body is worn out. Just don't think about anything right now except getting that baby ready. You're doing such a great job growing our child..." Wrecker continued saying loving sweet things to her until she fell asleep. He laid and watched her sleeping form for a few minutes, noting the salt stains on her cheeks from her tears. He knew she didn't mean a lot of things she said about herself when she was sad. Hunter thought she was a bit sensitive in her feelings, but Wrecker's opinion was that she loved too much. Her deep breaths were music to Wrecker's ears as he rolled off the side of the bed in slow motion. He didn't want to wake her up as he tiptoed to the door of their bedroom. He cringed each time a joint popped in his knee or ankle. With bated breath he finally reached the door and slipped out. When he walked down the hallway to his living room Tech and Hunter were waiting. "What was that all about?" Hunter whispered to him.
"I have no idea, but I'd rather face a nest of gundarks than her crying like that," Wrecker said as he motioned for Hunter and Tech to leave his apartment.
"It's completely normal for a pregnant female to be so emotional near the end of the pregnancy. I thought I told you that in our last birthing class?" Tech said to Wrecker.
"I think I'd rather read a hyperdrive manual than watch those holovideos again!" Wrecker shuddered as they walked back outside.
"You do realize she is going to have to birth the baby and you will most likely be there to assist?" Tech said as he raised an index finger.
"Bla-blah bla blah," Wrecker grumbled at him. "Just help me build a fence and something to keep out the rodents from her garden."
Wrecker knew he was going to be there for the birth of his child and would not mind helping to deliver it when the time came. But for now, he was more content to think of ways to keep Jaylen happy and safe before their whole world changed.


A/N So I was going for the hormonal prego woman who cries about everything. I have been in that stage and it is wild. You're crying and you don't know why you're crying over something so small- you dropped a cookie- and you can't stop crying, and the hubs is trying to help, but he looks lost and is sad that you're crying, and you feel like such a baby, and that makes you more sad, so you cry some more..... i hope that paints the picture for you. And it's not that Wrecker is indifferent about the birth- he is ready for it but a little terrified and doesn't want to tell anyone.

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