4. Pranks

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Lenny asked.
Emelia paused a moment before she nodded her head. "Yeah, it'll be fine." Then she chuckled to herself as she patted Lenny and sent him into the bathroom where Wrecker was showering. She pushed the button on the camera to start recording and then hid herself down the hallway.

It didn't take long for Wrecker to start screaming and then he burst out of the bathroom, suds still on his body, and a towel barely wrapped around his waist. Echo unfortunately was coming down the hallway the same time as Wrecker and got knocked over. Both fell into a tangle of limbs as Echo tried to figure out what was going on.
"Ahh! What's wrong Wrecker?! And why...are you naked?!... and wet?!"


At this point Emelia and Omega couldn't hold in their laughter any longer and came stumbling down the hallway. Hunter and Crosshair heard the commotion and came up behind Echo also.

Emelia was holding her stomach and wiped a tear from her eye. "I'm sorry, Wreck! I just couldn't resist!"
Omega was leaning against a wall too, holding her hand over her mouth as she laughed.

Lenny decided to come back out of the bathroom and asked, "It worked?"
Echo flinched at seeing Lenny in costume and Wrecker tried to scoot away further. Tech wandered into the hall, looked down at Wrecker nearly naked next to Echo on the floor, simply shook his head and walked away.

Hunter rolled his eyes and Crosshair let out a laugh at Wrecker being afraid of Lenny in a spider costume.

Emelia managed to stop laughing and gave Lenny and Omega a high five. "I told you we could make him laugh!"

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