9. Deleted Scene: Sunny

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Deleted Scene- One that lies on the cutting floor. It was an idea that was supposed to happen in the story, but didn't flow well. Still Sunny the partially deaf mechanic.

Sunny ran behind them, hoping to get closer to camp. They had only run a few yards when a mortar exploded next to them, sending Sunny and Wrecker flying through the air.
She was oddly quiet while she was thrown through the air and turned upside down. Time stood still and she could see the sparks from the explosion, bits of dirt and earth as they flew with her. She could see Wrecker's hands outstretched as he tried to reach for her and past that she could see his tanned skin, the whites of his good eye as he gazed at her, his mouth clamped closed in determination to reach her- and then she pummeled into the ground and everything went dark.
Wrecker landed on his back, knocking the air out of him. There was a ringing in his good ear, sounds becoming muffled as he turned over to stand up. "Sunny!" he more felt than heard himself yell. He crouched next to her body, seeing dirt and soot smeared on her skin and coveralls. She lay limp and lifeless as he swept dirt off her face. "Sunny? Come on, wake up!" he said. He felt her neck for a pulse and found one and then checked to make sure she was breathing. He gave a sigh of relief and then unceremoniously picked her up and placed her next to a crate. He had to help his brothers and knew others would find her. She was more than likely just stunned from the blast. He took off with his Dc-17m, and started blasting droids. The clones and native soldiers in the camp were getting blasted and losing ground. With a few well placed charges Wrecker was able to hold them back. Crosshair was already perched on top of a tank, picking off droids one by one. Finally there was a calm silence as all the droids were defeated. Small fires were smoldering as ash settled on the camp. Wrecker checked in with Hunter. "You good? I need to check on Sunny," he said.
Hunter nodded as he walked towards the command center. He needed to talk strategy with the Colonel in charge to set up better early detection systems. Tech was running calculations of what exactly would be needed and the numbers did not look good.
Echo went with Wrecker as they walked to the medical tent. Wrecker grabbed the first medic he saw and asked, "Have you seen a mechanic? Female, dark hair, and deaf?"
He shook his head "no" as he rushed off to help another patient. Concern was painted on his face as he looked around at the people rushing around. Wrecker was facing the wrong way when Echo tapped his arm and pointed at the back of Sunny. She had just exited a medical tent and was looking for someone. Wrecker took broad steps and laid a hand on her shoulder until she turned around.
"I've been looking for you everywhere! Are you ok?" He signed frantically.
Sunny grabbed both his hands to quiet his questions, and held them to her chest, kissing his gloved knuckles. She lifted his arms to place around her as she hugged his chest, not caring how dirty they both were. With surprise written on his face he hugged her back, resting his head on top of hers, glad she was safe. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh, knowing she was safe in his arms. They held each other for a moment and then Sunny stepped a little bit aways from him and began to look him over. She lifted his arms, checking his sides, looked down his armored legs, and then placed both her hands on the sides of his face. She ran her hands down his arms and found some blood dripping in between his plates. She pointed to it and signed, "Let me help you." She took him by the hand and led him to one of the medical stations. She motioned for him to sit in a chair and he obliged, setting his pack and blaster on the ground. "Where is your hearing device?" Wrecker signed. Sunny pulled the device from her pocket and showed Wrecker it was crushed. She shrugged her shoulders as she had Wrecker take off his gauntlets. She inspected the gash and didn't think it would need stitches. She wouldn't want to do them herself anyways. She noticed Wrecker began to bounce his leg in nervousness and she placed a hand on his arm to calm him. "You don't like doctors?" she asked him.
"Yeah. It wasn't a good experience," Wrecker said as he pointed to the scarred side of his face.
Sunny nodded in understanding. "Me either," she mouthed as she pointed to her ear.
She finished applying bacta and wrapping up his arm. "Let's head back to the ship. We have to go on our next mission, but we can take you to the Republic cruiser," Wercker said.
Sunny began to walk back to the ship and Wrecker placed his arm over her shoulders to bring her to his side. He was relieved she was safe, but sad he had to see her go.

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