17. Head Cannon of Bad Batcher's Grocery Shopping

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I had this posted on Tumblr, and now it's here too. Enjoy!


will follow you with the cart and only give input when asked.

doesn't care which flavor of noodles you purchase, just as long you don't spend 5 minutes deciding.

likes the spicier sauces and will grab it even if it isn't on the list

makes sure toothpicks is scribbled on the list

will tease you about your height as he reaches items on the top of the shelf

after you get home and he has helped put away groceries, he needs to decompress by himself.

favorite ice cream: butter pecan


will help you plan the shopping list

likes lots of fresh produce

has ideas for new recipes: soups, roasts, and baked goods

will gladly compare products and chose the one with the better flavor and ingredients

would rather buy quality ingredients than just the bargain priced one

his treat: rich vanilla ice cream


just wants to get the shopping trip over

completely sticks to the list

the moment a product is picked he is moving on to the next item

would rather buy the larger box of cereal rather than the single box to save money on bulk

doesn't care about vegetables

likes the meats and will pick out the best cuts of steaks

really is indifferent to flavors of items- just wants to get the shopping done

favorite ice cream: rocky road


will help you make the grocery list

will add a few extra sweets and baked items

will talk non stop while you're shopping

is eager to learn about pricing, ingredients, flavors

will go down the specialty aisle and want to try new foods and flavors

will skimp on veggies

will help unload the cart and bag the groceries

will smile and talk to the cashier

will want to get each of her brothers their own tub of ice cream. Every single time.

Favorite ice cream: changes each time you go! likes the chocolate with peanut butter, caramel, bubble gum flavored, fruit flavored, gelato, cookie dough, etc.. .


will help you plan the shopping list and take inventory of items at the house before you leave

does not want to buy duplicates of items

sticks to the list and has it separated by categories: dairy, grains, frozen, fresh, toiletries etc.

will lecture you about the quality of the ingredients in the bargain priced cereal and pick plain oats

will make sure vegetables are in the cart

his one indulgence: dried fruits- any kind and he likes a variety- dried plums, apricots, coconut chunks, dried mangoes, dried cherries, etc.


Ah, Wrecker. You need to feed him well before you leave or he will want to put twice as much in the cart. Or let him have a bag of mantell mix to munch on while you're shopping.

Will push the cart and put in whatever you tell him

will try to sneak in extra sweets and if you ask him "did you put this in the cart?"  "Nooooo...."

likes hearty meals, but not too spicy, for dinner and lunch

for breakfast likes his cereal and bananas or meliroons.

will beg you to put in extra choice meats

will get carried away at the sample tables

likes all food and really doesn't care about flavor.

Doesn't care for the bargain brand of foods- knows the higher priced foods taste better.

Favorite ice cream: Fathier Tracks: chocolate ice cream with fudge swirls, chocolate covered peanut butter cups and chocolate covered toffee bits

will want you to make some dinner as soon as you get home... 💕

Bonus: All the Batchers ( minus Omega) see it as a challenge to only use one shopping cart. Will stack and re stack the cart like Tetris to make sure it's only one cart.

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