The argument (Nini's side)

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*At Nini's house*

"Hey neens" Ricky says as he enters her room waving.

"Hey Ricky, what's up" Nini answers back chilling on her bed while waving back at him.

"Nothing much, what about you, any new songs?" Ricky asks her with a sweet smile.

"Yeah, I've been working on a few" Nini says back to him.

"Can I hear them, I know they're going to be good" Ricky asks.

"Sure, after all it's only you here and no one else right?" Nini asks him.

"Yeah, I promise no one else is here" Ricky replies with a chuckle.

*Nini gets up off the bed and walks over to her piano in the corner of her room, she sits down and moves over so Ricky can sit down beside her*

"Ricky, come sit" Nini tells Him

"Ricky giggles and sits beside her"

"Can you pass me that notebook on my desk, your closer to it than me" she asks him.

"Yeah sure" Ricky replies while reaching his arm over to her vanity to grab her notebook.

"Thank you" she thanks him and then gives him a kiss on the cheek.

*Nini flicks threw the pages and stops at a song she wrote called "gross", she begins to play keys on the piano and clap, then she starts to sing and Ricky couldn't believe the lyrics she wrote*

*When she was done singing she turned to Ricky and asks him what he thought of the song*

"So what did you think" she asks him waiting for an answer.

"Ummm... I uh..." Ricky couldn't get words out of his mouth.

"Did you not like it?" Nini questions him.

"No it's good, I love it" Ricky answers her.

"But who is it about" Ricky asks her.

"Oh uh it's not about anyone" Nini replies to him while playing with her hair.

"Your lying" Ricky says in a sort of angry way.

"Do you like someone else?" Ricky asks pissed at her.

"What?, no, you know I love you" Nini says confused but is starting to get a bit angry.

"Sure you do because you and Ethan seem to always hangout with each other" Ricky says really pissed.

"What?, says you and Lilly your with her all the time" Nini answers back angry.

"Oh here we go with you bringing up Lilly" Ricky says rudely.

"Well, I'm just saying facts" Nini answers back bitchy.

"Your just jealous of her" Ricky answers back at her angry and upset.

"Why would I be jealous of that girl!" Nini screams at him angrily.

"You know what Nini, I'm done with you if you are gonna talk like that about my friend!" Ricky yells back at her.

"That's fine, LEAVE!!!" Nini shouts at him while tears run down her face.

*Ricky is about to leave but before he does he takes off the necklace that Nini got him as a gift for opening night of their first musical together and puts it down on her bedside table*

"Goodbye Nini" Ricky says while opening her bedroom door and leaves.

"WHAT HAVE I DONE, ARGHHHHHH!!" Nini shouts as she throws books,pencils and clothes all over her bedroom in anger.

Disclaimer: abuse

"NINI CAN YOU SHUT UP YOU TWAT" Carol says as her and Dana walk into her room.

"WHY ARE THROWING YOUR STUFF, I KNEW WE SHOULDN'T HAVE ADOPTED YOU BECAUSE YOUR THE WORST KID EVER!! Dana Yells at her and walks up to her and gives a her a slap on the cheek.

*Nini starts crying so hard, not because of the slap, but because she lost Ricky, her lover, her soulmate, her best friend.

CLEANED UP TOMORROW!!" Carol shouts at her while her and Dana leave the room.

Disclaimer: self harm, suicide

*Nini stands there for a second and heads to her bathroom to crab something sharp to cut herself with, she finds a razor and starts dragging it down her arms, her arms start to bleed but she doesn't care, she then put the razor back into the cupboard and shuts it tight, she grabs a oversized hoodie and a pair of black pyjama bottoms from a drawer in the bathroom and changes into them, she heads out of the bathroom and instead of picking up the stuff she threw she kicks it to the side of her room, she gets into bed but instead of going to sleep she sits there on her phone while tears rolled down her face*

Author's note

I hope y'all enjoyed this part of my first ever fanfic, Let me know what y'all thought about because first of all when I wrote this I was like "no one is going to like this, so why did I write it" , to be honest with you I personally like writing stories, I write them when I have free time and when it's lunch time at school, it just feels weird that now I can publish them!! Ahhhh!!!

I love you guyys and please stay "happy and healthy", see what I did their hehe 😜

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