School Mornings Suck

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*At Nini's house*

*Nini was laying in her bed, it was 6:00 in the morning and she got 0 sleep last night, she got up and went to her closet and grabbed a pair of black joggers and a oversized black hoodie to cover up her cuts, she then put hair up in a messy bun and slipped on her checkered vans*


"Uhhhh, coming mum" she said with no emotion.

*Nini ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where her mums were*

"Wow your up in time" Dana said rudely.

"Yeah uh, I just wanted to get up early today" Nini said sadly because she hates lying to people.

"Well theirs a yogurt in the fridge for you" Carol said while making her Dana pancakes.

"Who are the pancakes for?" Nini asked.

"Not for you anyway because if you eat them then you'll get fatter than you already are, you don't want that do you?" Dana asks.

"N-no" Nini says upset at what her mum just said about her body.

"Good, now go eat the yogurt and get your ass out the door for school" Dana said meanly.

*Nini sighed and went to the fridge to get the yogurt, she opened the fridge and grabbed the yogurt she ate within 5 seconds considering it was the tiniest yogurt in the world, once she was finished it she grabbed her backpack and car keys and headed out the door*

*Nini walked over to hear drive way and unlocked her car, she opened the door and shut it behind her, she put her backpack on the passenger seat and started the car, before driving off she put on her Bluetooth radio and played "fake smile" by Ariana Grande, when it started playing she drove to school.

"Uhh school morning's suck" she said to herself while stopping at a red light.

*At Ricky's house*

"Ricky it's time to get up!" Mike shouted from downstairs.

*Ricky groaned but eventually got up, he headed to his closet pulling out his orange hoodie and a pair of black jeans, he put them on and then threw on his green shoes*

"Ricky breakfast!" Mike shouted again.

"Coming dad!" Ricky shouted while walking down the stairs.

"Morning" Mike said cheerfully.

"Morning, what's for breakfast?" Ricky asks.

"Waffles, is that ok?" Mike asked while taking them out of the waffle machine.

"Yeah yeah, that's fine" Ricky says as sat down at the kitchen counter.

"Ok good hahaha" Mike says while chuckling.

*Mike put a waffle on a plate and handed it to Ricky, Ricky ate the waffle within 1 min, he was so hungry, he then got off the chair and ran into the hallway to grab his backpack and keys of the key hanger*

"Bye dad, see you tonight" Ricky says while waving at his dad.

"Have good day Ricky, see you tonight" Mike says as he waved back.

*Ricky headed out the door and ran over to his car, he unlocked his car and opened the door, he jumped in and closed the door behind him, he threw his backpack on the passenger seat and turned the car and his Bluetooth radio on, He played Harry Styles album "fine line" once that was playing he drove out of his drive way and headed to school.

"Uhhhh school mornings suck" he said to himself while stopping at a red light.

Author's note

And that is chapter 3, hope y'all liked it.

Love you all!!!💗💗

Please stay "Happy and healthy"🥺🙏💗

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