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*Outside of the school*

*Nini parked her car in a parking lot outside of the school, she turned off her radio and car, she grabbed her backpack from the passenger seat and got out the car and locked it behind her*

*Nini walked threw the doors and noticed that everyone was staring at her, she tried to ignore them but she couldn't considering they were making eye contact with her, she saw her friends over at her locker but she decided to just go to her locker and not speak to them*

"Morning Nini" Kourney said while moving to the side so Nini can open her locker.

*Nini didn't say anything, instead she just opened her locker and took a few books that she needs for 1st period, once she grabbed the books she needed she closed her locker and walked down the wall way to the music room*

"What the heck was that about" Carlos said really confused.

"Maybe she's having a bad day?" Seb questioned.

"No, I think I know what's going on" Kourney annoyed when she saw the curly haired boy enter the school.

*Kourt, EJ and Big red walked over to Ricky to see if he knows what's up with Nini*

"Hello curls" Kourney said really pissed.

"Umm...hi" Ricky said awkwardly.

"WHAT DID YOU DO RO MY BEST FRIEND!!" Kourney shouted so load that now everyone in the hallway started to stare at them.

*Once people started to stay Ricky grabbed Kourt, Ej and big red and pulled them into an empty classroom*

"Ok, we had an argument and I kinda...." Ricky tells his friends but doesn't finish what he was going to say.

"You kinda what?" Big Red asks.

"I kinda..broke up with her" Ricky said with pure regret in his voice.

"WHAT!!" All 3 of the friends yelled shocked.

"Yeah..." Ricky said ashamed of himself.

"Wait, is that why she isn't talking to us?" Ej asks.

"Wait what, what do you mean?" Ricky says with worry in his voice.

"I said good morning to her this morning, and she just ignored me" Kourney says and Ricky gasps.

*Once Kourney said that Ricky immediately ran out of that classroom they were in and ran down the hallway to the music room because he knows that she goes when she's upset,angry and annoyed. Ricky reached the music room and he saw the brunette girl crying while playing piano so he decided to comfort her*

"Hey.." was all Ricky said while walking in the room.

Author's note

Yes this was a short chapter and I'm sorry about that.

I love y'all and please stay "happy and healthy" 😎

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