Why do you ___ yourself?

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*later at Ricky's house*

*After school Nini went over to Ricky's because he invited her over, She knocked at the front door and Ricky answered it, he welcomed her in and then they went upstairs to his room*

"So, do mind me asking the question?" Ricky asked while him and Nini took a seat on his bed.

"Yeah, I mean I had to tell you at some point" Nini says with a nervous giggle.

"Ok, the photo that was going around at school today, it was a picture of you in a swimsuit correct? Ricky questions.

"Yeah" was all Nini said.

"But this random girl showed me the photo and pointed out something" Ricky says and a tear falls down his cheek.

"What did she point out?" Nini asked stupidly considering Ricky knows that she knows what he's talking about.

"Nini, you know what I'm talking about" Ricky said as more tears fell down his face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" Nini replies crying and sobbing.

"Nini, it's ok, you don't have to say sorry" Ricky says as he holds her and wipes her tears with his thumb.

"I just thought that it would be better if I'm gone" Nini says crying really hard.

"Nini, please, don't ever say that again" Ricky said as her holds her tighter and tears still run down his cheeks.

*About 5 minutes later their sobs soften and Ricky grabs Nini's wrists gently and pulls up her sleeves to inspect the cuts and scars*

"Wait here" Ricky said before he left his bedroom.

*Ricky walks in 15 seconds later with a first aid kit, he sits back down on the bed beside Nini and tends to her cuts and scars*

"Please promise me Nini that you will never do this again" Ricky says to her as he wraps up her cuts and scars with a bandage.

"I promise" Nini lies.

"Good because I don't want to lose you" Ricky says as he kissed a cut that he was about bandage up.

*Nini giggles and gives him a kiss on his cheek*

Author's note

Hope you enjoyed chapter 8, I wrote this in my car lol, hope it was good for you guys.

I love you all so much and please stay "happy and healthy" 😘💗

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