
65 1 21

*in the janitor's closet"

Ricky's POV

"ETHAN!!!" I yelled so loud that Nini backed away in fear.

"Ricky it's not a big deal" Nini said hoping that would calm him down.

"Nini of course it's a big deal he kissed you without your consent!" I said angrily that it it scared her even more than before.

*Nini walks past Ricky to the door, she unlocks it and before she leaves she says " seriously Ricky, it was not a big deal" after Nini says that sentence she exists the janitor's closet*

*bell rings for period 1*

*Ricky sighs while leaving the janitor's to his first class which was English*

*Ricky walks down the hall to English which was beside the music room, he reaches the classroom and enters to see that Nini is talking to Gina which makes him happy since she hasn't talked to her or any of there friends in a while, he walks to his seat which was beside Nini, he sits down and Gina turned around to the front of the class, the teacher enters her class and started teaching*

*fast forward to lunch time (because I don't know what else to write when they're in class lmao😂)*

*Nini enters the cafeteria with Gina and Curly, they sat at a table with all their friends, Ricky gets up because he needs to use the bathroom, once he leaves Ethan comes over and takes his seat*

"Hello Nini" he said in a creepy voice

"Ummm... hi.. can you leave, you're in Ricky's seat" Nini said a little terrified.

"Oh am I, I didn't notice haha" he says in a jokey way.


"You know what, I need the bathroom" Nini says as she get's up.

*once she got up, Ethan got up, all of a sudden he grabbed her buy her wrist and squeezed it so that she couldn't move*

"Owww....let go!, you're hurting me!" Nini screams in pain as she try's to get out of his grasp.

"HEY LET GO OF HER, OR ELSE YOU'LL HAVE TO SEE HURRICANE KOURTNEY!!" Kourtney shouts while getting up.

"Oh I'm so scared" Ethan says sarcastically.

*just then Ethan let's go of her wrist, but instead letting her go to the bathroom, he punches her in the stomach, he continues to punch and slap her in the face until someone stops him*

"HEY!, WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO PUNCH AND SLAP A GIRL!" Ricky shouts while running up to Nini.

*Nini all of sudden gets really dizzy and begins to lose balance, but before she can hit the hard floor Ricky catches her*

"Gina can you take Nini to the Nurse or the bathroom" Ricky asks Gina politely.

*Gina takes Nini out of Ricky's arms and exits the cafeteria along with Seb, Kourtney and Ashlyn while the rest of them stayed in the cafeteria with Ricky*

"YOU HAVE JUST CROSSED THE LINE ETHAN!" Ricky shouts at Ethan while he tackled him to the floor.

*Ricky and Ethan throwing punches at each other, Ej , Big red and Carlos joined in*

*After a few minutes of beating Ethan up, Ricky only had a few bruises and a busted lip, Ej had a busted nose, big red only had a few bruises and Carlos had a black eye, they leave Ethan who was unconscious on the ground*

*they all leave the cafeteria to head to the nurses office*

Author's note
Hope you guys enjoyed this crazy chapter, love you guys so much!! And please stay "happy and healthy"💜💜

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