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*at school*

*Nini walks into school holding her songwriting book, she heads to her locker to get books that she needs for the classes that she has today, after she was done with her locker she walked down the hall to the music room, she enters the room and sits at the piano and puts her songwriting book down, she flicks threw the pages to find the song that she just finished last night, once she finds the page she starts to play the piano and sing along*

"ones I love" leaked song.

*When she stopped, she all of a sudden heard clapping, she didn't want to turn around because she knows who it was*

"Wow Nini that was amazing" The person spoke.

*What do you want Ethan?" Nini turned around as she questioned him.

"I just wanted to hear your beautiful voice" Ethan replied.

"Well you did, so now you can leave me in piece" Nini answered back.

"And why would I do that?" Ethan snapped back.

"Because I 1. Want to be alone and 2. I don't like you, so stop trying to get me to like you because it is never going to work" Nini said back with a slight bit of anger in her voice.

"Yeah I know you don't like me, because curly is stealing you from me, it's all his fault that you don't like me" Ethan said while walking to the door, to lock it so no one can get in.

"WHY DID YOU LOCK THE DOOR" Nini said getting scared and anxious.

"Don't be scared darling, this will all be over soon" he said in a creepy voice as he walks up to her and smashes his lips onto hers.

*Nini immediately pulls away and kicks him in the privates (not gonna say that word😁) runs and unlocks the door and runs down the hall as fast as she can until she bumps into someone"

"Woah Neens are you ok?" Nini looked up to see who it was and it was CURLY!

"N-n-no" Nini says as tears start to run down her face.

*Ricky helps her up off the floor and takes her to the janitor's closet so that he can ask her what happened privately so no one would crowd around them*

"Ok we're alone, can you tell me what happened so that I can fix it" Ricky asks sweetly.

*Nini just gives him a nod and he wipes away the tears that were running down her cheeks*

"Please don't cry, your gonna make me cry Neens" he says as he pulls her into a hug.

"Ok basically what happened was that I went into the music room once I was done getting books from my locker because I wanted to play the song I finished last night" Nini starts off.

"I played the song but when I was done I heard clapping from someone, I didn't turn around because I knew who it was and I didn't want to speak to him or look at him" Nini continues

"But then he said "woah Nini that was amazing", so then at that point I turned around and faced him, I then said "what do you want" and he said that he "wanted to hear my beautiful voice", I then said "well you did so you can leave now" but then he said "why would I do that" so then I said "because I 1. Want to be alone and 2. I don't like you", he the said "yeah I know you don't like me, because Curly is stealing you from me, it's all his fault that you don't like me" but he said that as he walked over to the door and locked, he turned around to face me and that's when I said "WHY DID YOU LOCK THE DOOR" and that's when he said "don't be scared darling, this will all be over soon" and that's when he smashed his lips onto mine but I immediately pulled away and kicked him in the privates, unlocked the door and ran down the hall where I ran into you" Nini finishes while sobbing and her breathing was faster than normal.

"Omg, Neens I am so sorry, I wish that didn't happen to you" Ricky says as he pulls her into a hug.

*once Nini was calmed down Ricky wanted to ask her a question that he has been dying to ask*

"Hey Neens" Ricky begins to say while still holding her in his arms.

"Yeah" Nini replies while holding him even tighter.

"Who is this he that kissed you" Ricky asks while pulling away to look at her in the eyes.

"Ummmmm... it was... E-Ethan" Nini confesses.

*Once Nini said that name Ricky's blood boiled with anger, he clenches his fists and yells out in anger"


Author's note

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, this was a really fun one to write and I hope you all like it.💜💜💜

I love you all so much and stay "happy and healthy" 🥰💓🦋💗

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