The agrument (Ricky's side)

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*In Nini's bedroom*

"Goodbye Nini" Ricky says while opening her bedroom door and leaves.

*Ricky exits the door and walks to the stairs, Carol and Dana noticed that her was pissed and upset, so they asked him "what happened?"*

"Oh uh... nothing" Ricky answers back in an upset voice as he heads for the door.

*Ricky grips the door handle and opens it before he leaves he waves bye to Carol and Dana and then he leaves the house*

*Ricky runs to his car that was parked at the side of the road, unlocks it and opens the door to his car, he then bangs the door to his car shut and turns on his car and his Bluetooth radio, he plays "Easy on me by Adele" because that's the song that he plays when he's upset*

"WHY DID I DO THAT!!!  ARGHHHHH!!! He yells while pulling down the mirror above him and looking at himself in it.

*He then in anger punched the mirror so hard that it cracked and he cut his knuckles*

"Owww" Ricky hissed.

"I guess I kinda deserve that" he says to himself

*He then starts to drive of to his house*

*15 minutes later*

*Ricky arrived home, he parked his car in his driveway and turned it off, he grabbed his keys and got of the car, once he got out he locked his car and headed inside his house*

"Dad I'm home!" he shouted while taking of his shoes and putting his keys on the key hanger that they have at the door*

*He then walked into the living room and saw his dad sleeping on the couch, he smiled and turned around to the hallway and ran up the stairs, he reached the top and ran straight into his bedroom and flopped down down on his bed, he just lay their silently while crying a bit, he then eventually got up and headed to his bathroom to get a pair of pyjama bottoms from the drawer and quickly took off his clothes and put them on, Ricky then decided to just go to sleep because he thought to himself that maybe in the morning him and Nini might talk at school and be best friends again, he left his bathroom closing the door behind him and jumped into bed, he still so upset about what happened between him and Nini, he started to cry again but he just lay down on his pillow and went to sleep crying*

"Ricky are you home yet!?" Mike yelled while walking up the stairs and when he got to the top he peeked his head threw the door and saw Ricky fast asleep.

"Good night Ricky" Mike said quietly

Author's note

And that my friends is Ricky's side after the argument, hoped you liked it.

Please make sure to stay "happy and healthy" love you all!!💗

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