Best friends again?

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*In the music room*

"Oh uh, hey" Nini said awkwardly.

"Are you ok?" Ricky asks worried about her.

"Not really, I'm just not having a good day today, that's all" Nini says.

"Is that why you ignored our friends?" Ricky questions.

"N-no" Nini said nervously.

"Then why did you ignore them?" Ricky asked concerned.

"M-my m-mums" Nini said as tears fell down her face.

"WHAT DID THEY DO THIS TIME!" Ricky shouts while running over and wrapping his arms around her.

"They we're making pancakes and I asked them who are they for, and they then said for them selves, I asked can I have some and momma D said no because she doesn't want me to get fatter than I already a-" Nini was cut of by Ricky.

"Neens," Ricky says while grabbing Nini's hands.

*Nini starts to cry*

*Ricky wiped the tears that fell down her face with his thumb, he then lifted up her chin and looked into her beautiful brown eyes*

"Hey, listen to me, you're not fat, your perfect, don't listen to those evil women, ok? Ricky says as confort.

*Nini sniffles* "ok" she says.

"Nini I understand if you don't want to but, can we be friends again? Ricky asks her and she is shocked but also happy.

"Yeah, we can still be friends Rick" Nini says happily.

"Ok good, for a second there I thought you would say no hahaha" Ricky says with a chuckle.

"What? Why would I say no?" Nini asked.

"Because of the stupid argument that I started" Ricky says ashamed.

"I mean you didn't let me explain who the song was about hehe" Nini said while laughing awkwardly.

"Yeah sorry about that" Ricky apologised.

"It's ok, I forgive you" Nini says cheerfully.

*Bell rings*

"Well we better head to class Neens, we're in English right?" Ricky asks.

*Nini giggles* "yeah we do Richard"

"Alright than Nina, let's head class" Ricky says in a jokey way making Nini laugh.

*They walked out of the music room and headed down the hallway to their English class, but when they got their students were whispering mean things about Nini, and Ricky was not having it, he walked over to the students while Nini took her seat*

"CAN YOU ALL SHUT YOUR MOUTHS" Ricky shouted at them.

"What? Did you not see the picture of her? A random girl says.

"What picture?" Ricky questions annoyed.

"The one of her in a swimsuit" a boy said.

"Look, you can see these red scars all over her arms, it's obvious that she's been cutting herself, what a weakling". Another girl said while laughing.

*Ricky looked at the photo that the students were showing him and he couldn't believe it, why didn't she come to him?, why is she doing it?*

*The teacher enters the class and tells everyone to sit down, the whole class students were whispering about that photo of Nini and she was so uncomfortable about it, she felt insecure about, she felt weak*

*The bell rang and Nini stood up but immediately felt dizzy and weak, Ricky ran over her but right when Ricky was in front of her she collapsed into his arms*

Author's note

Hoped you enjoyed this crazy chapter, but hey at least Ricky and Nini are friends and are talking and caring about each other again.

Love you all and please stay "happy and healthy" 😘💗

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