It's going to be ok

59 3 24

*in Nini's bedroom"

Ricky's POV

*I left to get the first aid kit, turns out Nini's mums keep it in the garage, I know how strange, I walked back up the stairs, halfway there I heard a thump and a scream, I sprinted so fast nearly fell in the doorway of Nini's room, entered her room to see her on the ground in pain, I quickly ran to her side and helped her back on the bed, I asked her what happened but she only responds with sobs and placing her left hand on her stomach*

"Neens please tell what you were doing" I pleaded while placing hand on her left hand that was still placed on her stomach.

"I-I had to g-g-go to the -ba-bathroom, bu-but all of a sudden I trip over some-something" Nini says while giving me a weak smile.

*I look at the floor to see what she tripped over, turns out it was Franklin the bear I gave her when we were dating, he was our child and we both loved to put glasses and shoes on him to make him look smart, he was a smart kid* ( I have no idea what I just wrote lol 😂)

*I then picked up Franklin and put him on Nini's night stand where he usually sits, once I put him down I kneel in front of to see that she was still in tears*

"Nini, do you mind if I check your stomach" I asked politely.

"Umm.. yeah sure" Nini said between sobs.

*once I get her approval I gently take off her purple cropped hoodie, to thank god see her in a top underneath but also not thank god because she has a massive purple mixed blue bruise just below her bra, my heart broke just looking at it and looking up at Nini to see her in so much pain, it broke even more than it already had when Nini asked..*

"Ricky, is-is it b-bad" Nini asked while looking down at Ricky's heart broken face.

"Oh umm, Nini, It's really b-bad" Ricky says as he broke down into tears.

"Hey,hey, it's ok, I'm ok, I promise" Nini reassured him with a fake smile.

"Nini, I can tell that was a fake smile, I know that you are in so much pain right now" Ricky says while tucking a strand of Nini's hair behind her ear.

*Nini gives Ricky a kiss on one of his bruises and says very faintly "It's going to be ok freaky callback boy"

*1 minute later*

"I'm gonna go get some ice for that bruise ok" Ricky says while getting up to Nini's bedroom door.

"Yeah ok" Nini says while still sitting on her bed.

*a few minutes later Ricky comes back with ice and kneels down in front of Nini*

"I'm sorry but this is gonna hurt" Ricky says while placing ice on her bruise.

*Nini let's out a small but yet painful scream, Ricky puts a hand on her cheek and starts to rub it gently to comfort her*

*Ricky then whispers "it's going to be ok, let it all out out Freaky math girl"

Author's note

I'm back and I'm better than ever, it feels good to be back can I just say, I missed you guys and I hope this chapter made up for everything.🥹🥺

I love you guys so much and please stay "happy and healthy" 💜🪐🥺✨🥹

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