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This chapter is very short but I have so much going on in my life at the moment that I hardly have time to write chapter's anymore, once again I am so sorry I hope you guys understand. 🥹🫶💜🦋💓✨

*In the nurse's office*

*Gina, Kourtney, Ashlyn, Seb and Carlos were all at the end of the bed waiting for Nini to wake up*

"Come Nini, wake up please" Gina begged.

*Just then Ej, Big Red and Ricky barge into the room, Ricky immediately ran to sit in the chair beside Nini's bed*

"Jesus Christ, you guys should go and see the nurse" Ashlyn requested.

"No thanks, I'll clean myself up when I get home, right now I just wanna be with Nini" Ricky said while staring at an unconscious Nini.

*a few hours later everybody left to go home except for Ricky, he wanted to stay because he wanted be there for Nini, he held her hand while waiting for her to wake up*

*15 minutes later Nini opens her eyes, she tries to sit up but feels pain from her stomach*

"Shh, it's ok, lie down and rest" Ricky says to calmly.

*Nini took Ricky's words and lay back down*

*1 hour later*

"Hey, do you think you are able to go home or should I take you to a hospital" Ricky asks.

"I think so" Nini says with a her voice breaking.

"Ok then, I'll carry to the car just in case" Ricky said while lifting Nini in his arms.

*Nini gave him a cute smile*

*Ricky carried Nini to his car, once he reached his car he carefully sat Nini in the passenger seat, he then sat in the driver's seat and drove to Nini's house*

*Ricky pulled into Nini's drive way, her parents are still at work so he decided to stay the night, he carried her out of the car, unlocked her house door and walked inside, he then carried her upstairs to her bedroom and placed her on her bed*

"Hey Ricky, can you lay with me" Nini asked politely.

"Yeah of course" Ricky replies with a grin.

*They lay there for about 5 minutes until Ricky says something*

"I'm sorry for what happened today at lunch, you didn't deserve that at all" Ricky says breaking the silence between the 2.

"Oh uh, yeah I don't want to talk about it tho, sorry" Nini said while a tear fell down her cheek"

"Don't be sorry, it's ok, besides Ej, big red and I took care of him" Ricky says as he wipes away the tear.

"That explains your face, I'll go get a first aid kit" Nini says while getting but Ricky stopped her by pulling her back gently.

"No your not, I'll go get it, you need to rest Neens" Ricky said with a serious look on his face.

"Uh fine, it's in the bathroom" Nini said while pointing at the bathroom.

"I'll be right back" Ricky says while getting of the bed and going into the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

Author's note
I'm sorry it took so long to post this chapter, but my life is so crazy lately, I'm fine btw, I'm also never active on here as much, but I'll try and be more active.

I love you guys and please stay "happy and healthy"💜🥺✨🪐

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