Ricky telling big red about Nini's past

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*In Big Reds basement*

"And then she kissed my cheek" Ricky explained everything to big red.

"So let me get this straight, 1. She cuts herself, 2. Her mother's are jerks and 3. SHE KISSED YOUR CHEEK!?" Big red says while yelling excitedly.

"Dude, I'm just after saying all that, you should understand it, hahaha" Ricky says as he lets a chuckle escapes his mouth.

"No don't get me wrong, I do understand it, it's just that you never told me her mother's are jerks" big red says sadly thinking about how bad he feels for Nini.

"I can tell you if you want me to" Ricky asks politely.

"Yes please, tell me everything" big red asks as he sits down on the bed beside Ricky.

"Ok, uh, it all started when Nini and I were in kindergarten, she was always so happy coming to kindergarten, she always had a smile on her face, except 1 day she was so upset and mad about something, me being her best friend went over to her y to ask what's wrong and is she ok, she then immediately broke down into tears and hugged her so that she could fell better and she did, after she calmed down a bit she told me that her Grandma and Granda got into a car accident and that her mother's were abusing her because they were upset about it, she also told me that her dad and real mother turned up to her doorstep and they wanted her to come with them, but Carol and Dana weren't having that so they told them to leave and never come back, a few years after that Carol and Dana still abuse her and obviously to this day, but Nini said something to me when were dating and that was all she wants is for herself to be free, I just felt so bad for her so that's when we said we loved each other, I just feel so bad for her, she deserves much more" Ricky tells everything as a tear runs down his cheek.

"Wow, that's awful omg" big red says pissed at the thought of Nini's parents.

"Yeah....." was Ricky said as more tears run down his face.

Author's note

And that was chapter 9, you got to hear Ricky tell you guys Nini's past and why her mother's abuse her, if anybody is going threw what Nini's going three I am so sorry, I'm writing this book to bring a wariness to this kind of stuff.

I love you all so much and please stay "happy and healthy" ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

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