Chapter 5: The Most Powerful Ego

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The journey to Markiplier’s area would usually be long from where Chase and Henrik had left. However, at the speed that the two ran, the journey would be the shortest it would ever take; all they could both think about was Robbie.

They really hoped Dawktrap hadn’t found that area.

The pizzeria stood at the edge, much to their delight and, when they got there, the two brothers had to stop at the doorway to catch their breath. However, throughout the entire ordeal, they hadn’t said a word to each other until now; they were too worried.

‘I’m sure…he’s fine…’ Chase said breathlessly as he bent down exhausted.

Henrik nodded but didn’t respond. Instead, he quickly knocked on the bright red double doors that served as the entrance to the building. As if expecting them, the door slowly opened at the first knock. Chase saw this and gave Henrik a confused glance, but Henrik paid no attention; he needed to know if Robbie was safe.

A minute later and they both walked in, with their heavy breaths filling the silence of the empty dark hallways. Chase slowly frowned and shivered.

‘This place has always given me the creeps. Why does the King like it here?’

Henrik smiled a little and shrugged, ‘It is home to him. Like mein home was…er…’ he explained then remembered the destroyed hospital and the ooze creature they’d seen and slowly went quiet.

Chase watched him then noticed his slow silence and grievant expression, and gently put his hand on Henrik’s shoulder, ‘we’ll get this resolved Henrik.’

Henrik looked at him and smiled weakly before nodding. The doctor then huffed and looked down the hallway; because of the building’s small size, they’d already got near the security office. They could even hear the desperate shuffling and scraping of chairs and tables, and the brothers’ worry returned: it was clear Robbie hadn’t been found.

‘King? Iz zat you?’ Henrik called out. The noises suddenly stopped in response. There was a pause…then-


Henrik relaxed a little as he heard the King’s nervous voice answer back, then rolled his eyes at Chase before running to the office, with Chase following behind.

‘I hope he’s found him…’ Chase muttered under his breath as he felt his heart suddenly pound heavily.

Once they got to one of the office doorways, Henrik was the first one to look in, and almost slid past it in his desperation. However, his worry turned to confusion: the King was on his hands and knees at the back of the office, his head in a vent.

‘Robbie! Ya in there?!’ he called out, then waited in the silence. Henrik watched him for a few moments, not only confused, but now hopeful that the little zombie’s voice would answer back.

It didn’t.

‘Er…’ was the nervous response from the King.

‘He has to be here.’ Henrik said, which made the King jump and bash the top of his head on the vent in the process. Henrik looked apologetic as he crawled out of the vent, rubbing his head.

‘Have you checked the kitchen? He would usually be there.’ Chase suggested softly, his heart still pounding; it was too quiet in this place. And, if it was too quiet, then Robbie wasn’t here. Chase then shut his eyes in an attempt to push that thought out of his mind before looking back at the King.

The King looked at the two sheepishly then guilty and looked down slowly while fidgeting with a buttonhole on his flannel. Henrik frowned, confused, but then understood why the King was acting strange.

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