Chapter 14: It's Time To...End This (GOOD ENDING)

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As Darkiplier cried, Henrik and Anti just stared at the monitor screen in Anti's hideout. The area was so silent, a pin drop could've been heard as they just stared shocked and horrified at the image. Anti eventually blinked and tore his eyes away from the dismay, but he couldn't bring himself to look at his older brother.

'You could've teleported there...' The doctor's quiet voice eventually broke the silence.

I̵ ̵w̵o̶uld̶n'̷t h̵a̵ve ̶g̵o̶t ̶there ̵fa̶s̵t ̵e̵n̵o̶u̵g̶h-

'YOU COULD'VE HELPED!' Henrik suddenly yelled, glaring at his glitchy brother.

Anti's elf-like ears drooped as he looked upset, raising his clawed hands up in defence, H̵enri̵k̵,̵ ̴w̶e w̶ould̴n̵'t h̵a̴ve̶ ̴kn̶own ̵this wa̶s̶ ̵h̴a̶ppen̴ing! He yelped, then looked stern, B̵esides,̵ ̵if ̶we ̶do̵n'̴t ̵stop Da̵wkt̵ra̶p, the̶n mor̵e ̵pe̵ople will die!

Henrik just glared at him: he knew that Anti was right but, as he felt his fists clench, he also knew that the glitch could've saved Wilford. He let out a deep exhale then just looked back at the monitors and frowned: he couldn't find Dawktrap on them at all.

Anti looked upset and guilty, but slowly turned his head to the monitors as well, not wanting to say anything that would make the situation worse. As he looked them over, he narrowed his eyes; he could see the Sander Sides walking round outside Jackie's house, Marvin running to Dark's place and Dark carrying Wilford's body out of view, but he, too, couldn't see the one who had started it all.

'Anti? You said ze monitors show most of ze Void. Vhat does it not show?' Henrik eventually asked, sounding concerned.

T̴he ̴Ed̵ge-wait.̴.̵. Anti answered immediately, as if it was second nature, then stopped as he realized. At the same time, his ears perked up shocked as he widened his eyes.

Henrik also widened his eyes, 'VHAT?!' He screeched then looked to the monitors, panicked, 'do you think Dawktrap iz going zhere?!' He said. However, Anti had already grabbed the doctor's wrist, his body glitching crazily, ready to teleport.

Y̴es̶, h̶e̶ m̷ust̶ be. H̸e'̶s g̷oi̵ng̶ ̶ba̶ck̵ ̵t̵o̵ ̴th̴e ̶Surfa̶c̵e.̵ W̵e n̶ee̵d ̵t̶o ̶get t̵h̴er̵e ̵no̴w. Anti said confidently before teleporting the two of them out of his hideout.


Dawktrap had, indeed, travelled to the Edge; with his animatronics fighting the remaining egos, there was nothing stopping him from going back to the real world and taking over the humans there too. All he needed to do was wait for his creations: the animatronics and the possessed Sander Sides. He looked at the computers on the desk and the medical table. He scoffed, disgusted; he still felt embarrassed at how clueless he pretended to be when the doctor and the kid first met him not too long ago.

'Don't need those anymore' Dawktrap muttered, smirking, as he raised a hand. Purple lightening escaped from his fingertips and shot towards the computers, immediately engulfing them in flames and lightening as they exploded. He watched the display of destruction amused, but then his eyes went to the flames and automatically took a step back. He chuckled nervously then cleared his throat, adjusting his purple bow tie, before walking to the wall of darkness that laid out in front of him.

' how do I activate this?' He muttered to himself; he knew the gateway to the real world had to be opened somehow. He thought then looked at his stitched-up hands, which still had purple lightening emitting off them and smiled coldly. He approached the wall and went to place his electrified hands on it-


The purple man stiffened and glared as he heard Henrik's voice rip through the silence followed by footsteps nearby. He sighed, removing his hands from the wall with a look of regret, before turning round to face the doctor.

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