Chapter 12: A Backup Plan

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Author's Note: Welcome back to the madness! I apologize it's been months since the last chapter; lack of motivation and stuff happening in my personal life meant this had to be put on hold for while!

I'm also debating on writing a bad and good ending for this story, as we are nearing the end.



'Anti, ve can't just rely on MatPat-'

I ̧́͟s͢a͢i͢͏d n͘o̴͘

Antisepticeye stared at Henrik stone faced, a huge bandage wrapped round his head and a dark green eye patch covering his left eye.

Henrik nodded, while Jackie stayed silent, his face blank as he listened.

The three were sitting in the guest bedroom upstairs. Anti had hesitantly allowed the doctor to heal him before Henrik and Jackie had recounted the past events that the glitch demon hadn't been able to see. Anti had let them talk uninterrupted right up until their plan involving Robbie had been brought up.

'Anti' Henrik mutters then sighs, 'I know Robbie iz like a son to you but...I don't know vhat else to do' he said a little defeated and the glitch noticed the doctor's eyes welling up a little.

Í ͘can ͢f́ight hi͠m͞!͡ I ̴ca͜n ̷bȩat̢ him ̀t̡o ̶a͠ ̵pulp! Anti's eyes brightened coldly as he raised clenched fists, and his two brothers exchanged nervous looks. It wasn't until Jackie cleared his throat that the glitch's smile fell a little.

'From the sounds of things, you're both immortal though.' The superhero said confidently, crossing his arms. But this only encouraged Anti to continue on.

Th͜en̨ w͟e͠ a̛ll fiģht! Hi̵d̛e͢ th͜e kid̡s a̷way, gat̵h͡e̡r ȩv̸e̶ryone ̡u͠p͞ án͞d fįght͜ a͏gai̡nst h̛i̷m ͞and̴ his rob́o͠t͡s!̛ Wé ca͠n͝ ͞do͢ i͟t! He said excitedly, his face brightening again. His body glitching as he tried to convince his brothers. However, it was met with more nervous glances.

Jackie sighed and put his head in his hands while Henrik looked concerned at his demon brother.

''re talking about a civil war...' Henrik said breathlessly, then looked even more concerned as Anti quickly nods, his eyes glistening excitedly.

Jackie blinks then sighs heavily as he rubbed his eyes, 'So much for 'I've got rid of his craziness' Doc' he muttered, and Henrik shot him a glare which went unnoticed.

Anti didn't change his facial expression as he continued, Or̶ ̴we ̴t̵rap̵ ̵h̵im ̶in̶ ̶m̶y h̶ideout̷ a̶n̶d̴-

'Vait, hideout?' Henrik asked, shocked. Even Jackie snapped his head up at this, then lightly punched the floor, amazed.

'Of course you have a secret hideout! How long have you had that?! Where is it?!' Jackie snapped, then looked at the surprised glitch sternly; the superhero had unintentionally gone into interrogation mode. However, the doctor gently patted him on the shoulder.

'Jackie, please be calm' Henrik said softly, but then looked at Anti sternly, 'but ve do need to know vhere it iz.'

Anti blinked at his brothers, his manic demeanour fading as he frowned. He then shrugged, It̵'̶s̵.̵.̸.̴off th̵e̷ ̶map̸...he muttered, (ignoring Henrik's whisper of 'MatPat was right?!') I̵ ̶can̸ t̶ake ̴ya̵ ̵th̷ere̶ ̶b̴ut I̴'d n̵eed̶ ̴t̵o teleport th̴ere, Anti explained thoughtfully, slowly looking at the two sternly.

The two brothers had been listening transfixed, but then looked unsure once Anti finished. They exchanged concerned glances before Jackie put his head in his hands. Anti and Henrik watched him but didn't say anything: this was a sign that Jackie was in deep thought. As he watched, Henrik couldn't help but look sympathetic because he knew what Jackie was thinking: where would they put the kids that would ensure their safety? Eventually, Jackie sighed and spoke up.

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