13: Dinner

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                                                                      Y/N's POV

I tuck my hair behind my ear as the sand started to circle around me and papa. He opens his eyes revealing them glowing a bright green colour. My eyes averted on the side as I saw a silhouette of myself forming, and around me is a raging fire...everywhere. 

Soon the sand circling us began to slowly fade away as some fell on top of our heads. A glowing green rectangular thingy (I actually don't know what it is called) forms out of thin air as papa grabs it. 

He gives me the vision with a slightly confused and amused look. I stared at it with furrowed eyebrows. "What does it mean?" Mirabel  asked. 

I shrugged my shoulders and looked over to papa. "Pa?" 

"Hmm," he hums, rubbing a finger on his chin. "It seems like your power is starting to grow and get stronger." He simply said.

"So? What am I gonna do?"

"Well, you just gotta learn to control it. But don't worry, we'll be here for you if you need help." I smiled and hugged him. "Thanks pa."

"You're always welcome Mi Vida, just tell me if you need anything." He pats my head. "For now, we have to go and help the others with the dinner table. The Marquez's will be here soon for Isabela's engagement."

TIME SKIP (brought to you by: Camilo's ruana)

I walked back and forth biting my nails nervously. The Marquez's will be here any minute and I'm here trying to figure out on how to go downstairs and have a dinner with them without making any scenes or chaos. 

"It's okay, you can do this. Just... don't mess up." I whispered to myself. 

I was nervous and scared at the same time. If I mess up, I'd disappoint the whole family and Isabela would hate me even more. I don't want for any of that to happen. 

"Hey stupid, what are you doing?" Carlos says, opening the door wide. I rolled my eyes on him and ignored his presence. "I heard what happened earlier." he closed the door behind him and crossed his arms. 

"Oh so you're Dolores now?" I said in a sarcastic tone. He scoffs and threw a cat plushie at me. "What's this for?" 

He scratches his nape and looked away. "Camilo wanted me to give it to you, he hopes it'll help you calm down."

"Oh," I uttered and looked at the plushie in my hand. For some reasons I hoped it was from someone else, or maybe from him. 

"Anyways, uh, dinner's ready." with that, he left the room, shutting the door behind him. I sighed and placed the plushie on the edge of my bed then head towards the mirror. 

Looking at my reflection, I noticed some of my hair started to change into a red-orange colour, making it look like highlights. I didn't know what was happening so I completely shrugged it off and head downstairs to the dining area.

I saw everyone was already there, I took a seat beside Mirabel and to my right was Camilo, raising his eyebrows. "What happened to your hair?" He asked.

"I don't know either but let's not focus on that." I smiled awkwardly. "Oh and uh, I wanna say thank you. You know... for the plushie you gave me. It's really cute."

"Wait-what? What plushie?" He asked, confused.

"The cat plushie, the one you told Carlos to give me." 

"But I didn't. I was grounded for the day after accidentally breaking mami's favourite vase." 

"So it wasn't from you?" I asked and he shook his head. "Then who?"

"I don't know, maybe from Carlos himself. I remember seeing him in his room making a plushie thingy or whatever it was. If you look at his hand there are a few bruises on what I think was the result after getting his fingers poked with the needles." 

My eyes quickly averted to Carlos who was looking down at his hands under the table. He looks up and his eyes met mine in which he immediately looked away. "But why didn't he just told me it was from him?" 

Camilo shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe he's just shy. He likes y—" he wasn't able to finish his sentence when Carlos threw an arepa on his face. "What was that for?!" He exclaimed, rubbing a hand on his forehead.

"You talk too much." Carlos glares at him.

I ignored them both when Abuela stood up and said a few words to start of before we started eating. The dinner started with a few talking and laughing coming from the adults. It was a peaceful start, thankfully. But it didn't go as peaceful as it was a few moments after.

I grabbed the glass of water in front of me and gulped it down when my hands started to shake uncontrollably, spilling a few drops on my top and my skirt. Mirabel handed me a towel to dry my skirt and my top but just as I was about to do it, fire started to form, burning the towel.

Everyone's eyes went on me as the fire spread on the table cloth. "What's happening?!" Abuela exclaims. I grabbed the nearest pitcher filled with water and spilled it to put out the fire but it got worse.

My eyes caught Isabela's and she was looking at me with a death glare. I looked at everyone in the room and their eyes were on me and the fire in front of us. "Mija," I heard papa as he caressed my back to calm me down.

I looked down embarrassed and ashamed of myself that I couldn't do anything. Then it soon started to rain, I looked over to Tia Pepa and she gave me a small smile. 

With her help, the fire was soon put out, everyone was drenched from the rain. The Marquez's had left before I even get the chance to apologise for the chaos I've caused. 

Now it was just us in the dining area, their eyes were on me, especially Isabela. "This is all your fault!" She points at me with anger in her eyes. Tia Julieta tried to pull her back by the arm but she shoves her hand away aggressively. "You ruined every on purpose!"

"Isabela! Calm down! She didn't mean it." Mirabel stated.

Isa scoffed and crossed her arms. "Oh yeah? She's a walking chaos! She stole my spotlight in this family!" 

"Enough with the fucking spotlight already!!" Carlos shouted which made me flinch and Dolores cover her ears. "It's not her fault if she's more better and special than you!" He added as Tia Pepa tries to calm him down.

"Of course this is all her fault. All my life I was the favourite here but then she came along and took everything from me. No one wants a walking chaos who ruins everything! You are nothing but a stupid adopted child!" She shouted. A soft gasp escaped my mouth as I felt my eyes getting warm. 

"W-what did you say?"

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