Luna wake up and rubbed her eyes, trying to banish the dream. She opened one eye slightly and looked at the other side of the bed. The pillow was untouched, which means her so-called husband hadn't slept here.
Sigh of relief broke away from her, she sat in bed and made half-open eyes out the window.
The view was really amazing, especially with the sunrise.
She stayed so for a few more minutes, then got up, went into the dressing room to decide what to wear, and choosing a simple suit of shorts and a shirt, headed to the bathroom.
A few minutes later, she was already going down the stairs, wondering what to have for breakfast when she saw the cabinet door slightly open.
Again this curiosity, she peeked inside, supposedly only for a second, but froze at the sight of the sleeping Namjoon.
So this is where he slept? She sighed and opened the door slightly. He took a blanket that was placed on the couch opposite his desk and carefully so as not to wake him up,she cover him.
Similarly, she walked out of the office, closing the door behind her tightly so as not to wake him while she was in the kitchen.
Make a quick look at the layout of cabinets, refrigerator, utensils, etc.
She found what she needed to make pancakes, while deciding to add fruit, cream and chocolate. Cooking enough for two, she ate her portion, washing the plate, and the other covered, leaving a note.
She went back to the bedroom, called a taxi, took her phone and purse and got out of the house. She was going to see a friend and before she got home, she was going to go buy somthing for diner.
She also had to reload a refrigerator. There was only water and beer in this house, what has Namjoon ever eaten before?
She took one last look at the office to make sure her husband was still asleep and headed to the waiting taxi.Namjoon trying to move his stiff muscles. For a man of his size, a chair is not a suitable solution for sleep, but it happened to him often. Reaching out, he felt something come down at his feet. Blanket? He looked at the clock on the wall, almost 9:00 a.m. What was his wife doing?
He leaned over, lifted the blanket, folded it and stood up, put it back in place. He stretched his arms over his head, in a repeated attempt to stretch a little, damn it all hurt, as if he had been hit by a train, every muscle was screaming disgruntledly. With great strides, skipping steps, he headed to the bedroom. Opening the door carefully so as not to wake probably still sleeping Luna, he shoved his head first, but the next minute he opened the door wide and sedied. It was gone, the bed was fixed, as if no one had slept on it. Where is she so early in the morning?
With the same great strides, he went back downstairs, this time checking the kitchen. His gaze circled the room, but there was no sign of her.
His eyes stopped on the plate on the kitchen counter.Pancakes?"I'm going out with a friend, then i'm going to go through the grocery store. Don't forget to have breakfast.
Luna"Huh, interesting.I guess the little one wanted to play "the good wife." He laughed echidnaly, what kind of joke is that? He wakes up envied, breakfast on the table, all that was left was for her to pop out of somewhere and throw a kiss on his cheek with a good morning and a smile.
He left the note back and again rubbed his stiff neck. He looked at his watch, almost 10 o'clock, at 12:00 a.m. he have a meeting for lunch.
He turned around and headed back to the bedroom to take a shower. He had just put his foot on the first step when the front door opened and an elderly man with bags in his hands crossed the doorstep of his home.
The elderly man left the bags to the side, muttered "good morning sir," bowed and walked out. His eyebrow jumped curiously when a minute later his "wife" also flew in, with more bags on her hands, griuled like a loose head.
"Good morning" she said and even without looking at him, she headed to the kitchen. What the hell...
He returned to the kitchen, supporting himself on the column of the vault separating the rooms and stop his gaze in her.
She was swirling between the counter top, which included bags, fridges and cupboards. She methodically sorted everything she had bought, as if she hadn't moved in last night, and spent her whole life in this kitchen. He turned his eyes, crossing his arms on his chest.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" he allded, drawing her attention.
"Nothing special, I just bought some things, food for example. You know, something really needs to survive," she simply replied, again without looking at him. He tilt his head slightly, in an attempt to decipher her expression, mock him?
"If i'm going to live here, i'm going to eat properly," she continued. "It's not a bad thing to try, you might like it" she concluded, walking past him, pointing to the bags by the door.
"Nevertheless, I have no intention of playing like a martyr. I may not like you, I may not like the way everyone plays with my life the way they like, but if you expect me to close crying, you're wrong." she said, putting more bags on the kitchen counter.He was watching her closely. Nothing on her face showed she was joking. There was no sign of a sgrin, some kind of face, nothing, she was serious.
All of a sudden, he looked at her with other eyes. He didn't want this marriage either, but he saw the possibilities of unification between the two families. He couldn't deny the fact that everyone was really using her, but he was expecting to wake up with a roaring, nervous, accusing him of having to find a way to cope. Instead, a proud, generous and energetic lady stood before him, who was aware of her situation and wanted to get the best out of her.
Apparently it wouldn't have been so bad, his expected hellish marriage no longer seemed such a bad thing.
"Aren't you hungry?" her question put it back to her.
"Why are you bothering? What difference does it make to you, whether or not if i'm hungry? What kind of game is that?" he still uncertain, he looked at her, pushing back from the column and approaching her.
"It's not a game, you're my husband, part of my family. And in this family we take care of ours, doesn't matter if we like them or not" she answered simply.
"So now, you want to be my wife? Really?" he didn't give up.
"As I told you already, can be worse " she shrugged her shoulders,nudge the pancakes to him " Eat and go take a shower, it's pretty late and probably all of your body hurt from sleeping on a chair" she finish turn to what she was doing.

The Royal Family
FanfictionKim Namjoon, hier of the mafia family. Cold, calculating and dangerous. A man to be careful with. Except for his wife. Kim Luna, hieress of the Lee's mafia family. No less dangerous than her husband,knowing for her composure and love of guns. But g...