13. Good morning love

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Namjoon left the water to run over his head and down his body. He leaned against the wall, bowed his head and sighed. Luna had been in coma for a week. He missed her so badly,he had dificoulty concentrating, losing control of his temperament and actions.
V diskovered that Choi's illegitimate son was behind the blast. Jimin and Hobi had been looking for him for three days, but the basterd seemed to have sunk to the ground.
He shook his head and leaned his back against the wall. His gaze was fixed on Luna's cosmetics, which she had meticulously arranged on the sink counter in the bathroom. His stomach tightened. "Wake up, witch" he begged softly, leaning head against the wall.
The ringing of his phone flashed through his mind. He stopped the water, wrapped a towel around his waist and returned to the bedroom. He looked at the name on the display - Suga. "What's up" he peak up the call.
"We found him" said short Suga and end the call.
Namjoon had never dressed so quickly. He grabbed his phone and keys and five minutes latter he was on his way to the house they used to torture. It took him fifteen minutes to got there, Jimin met him at the door.
Namjoon didn't even look at him and walked past him. His face was twisted into a terrifying grimace as he took two steps down to the basement.
Hobi, Suga and Jin was already there. The three of them took turns trowing their fists at a young boy in his twenties. When they saw Namjoon, they stopped and backed away.
Namjoon approached the boy, who was tied to a chair and bend down to his level.
"Dirty little bastard" he hissed" You'll be sorry you're born when i'm done with you" with this words he stood up and so slammed his fist into the man's face that he fell with the chair.
"Pick him up" he ordered as he rolled up his sleeves. Jin and Hobi hurried to obey his order.
Namjoon was tottaly freaked out. He made small but deep razor cuts  on the bou's body and then he watered the incisions with drops of acid. He wrapped plastic wrap around his head and methodically strangled him almost unconscious. He was covered in blood but didn't stop, he wanted revenge.
Jin, Suga and Hobi were just watching him. He had tortured people before, but they had never seen him enjoy it so much.
Namjoon's phone rang again, Suga looked at the name.
"Namjoon, it's Jungkook" he said and approached him.
Namjoon froze, Jungkook and V were in the hospital, with Luna. He grabbed the phone and accepted the call.
"Jungkook?" he ask.
"Hyung..." Jungkook's voice trembled, he cried "Noona... She is..." he didn't finish, the line broke.
"Jungkook? Jungkook, what going on?" Namjoon shouted on the phone but there was no one to answer. He froze... Jungkook's words cut through his mind. She's what?
Jimin burst into the basemend almost carrying the door and Hobi.
"Boss, Jungkook call, she's awake, she's awake!" he shouted.
Awake? His witch! He started to leave, but Jin stopped him.
"Is that how you plan to go to the hospital?" Namjoon looked at him questioningly "All in blood?" Namjoon looked at his shirt "Damn it".

Half an hour latter, after a shower and with clean clothes, Namjoon stormed into Luna's room only to find her bed empty and his two friends stared at the ground with worried faces.
"Where is she?" he asked confused.
"They took her" V said simply and a tear run down his cheek.
"They? Who are they? Where the hell is my wife? Jungkook? Where is Luna?" he was almost screaming.
"Calm down, hyung, V's just emotional right now" Jungkook began"They took her for a scan. They'll bring her back in a little while" he explained.
"Scanner? Why, what's wrong with her?" Namjoon snapped,remembering the surgeon's warning. "She doesn't react and doesn't speak, hyung" this time V called. "What?" Namjoon fell heavily into the chair, hiding his face in his hands. Anger rose in his chest again. If she didn't get better, he'll go back to the basement, he'll revive that bastard and kill him again and again.
V put a hend on his shoulder "She'll be fine, right huyng?" Namjoon looked at him. After Suga, the two youngest had the strongest connection with her. She was like an older sister to them.
He was abouth to answer when the door opened and two paramedics brought in Luna, who was lying with her eyes closed.
Namjoon left them to finish their work and as soon as they left, he immediately took his wife's hand.
"Hey, with, look at me" he said softly.
For a few second there was no reaction from her and Namjoon was seriously worried, his heart poinding in his chest, he began to think that she was in coma again, that she hadn't woken up at all. "Honey, can you hear me?" his throat went dry. Again no answer. "Damn, witch, wake up for God's sake"he shouted, burning his face in her shoulder." If you scream at me again, i swear i'll kill you" he raised his head sharply and stare into her face. Her voice was so quiet, he wasn't sure he had heard anything at all. Nothing, her eyes closed, she was breathing calmly. "Witch?" hope shone in his eyes. "Mmmm?" she muttered. He stood up, grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. " Don't play witch, answer me, Damn you!"
And she did. She opened her eyes and smiled at him "Good morning love".
"Luna..." he couldn't stand it, his arms wrapped around her body and he hugged her so tightly that she almost screamed. He released her immediately, realizing that he was hurting her. She laughed lightly at his attempts to make her comfortable, tears streaming down his face.
"My man doesn't cry" she said, placing a hand on his cheek. "I'm okey, Namjoon" she smiled. "Hey boys" she turned to Jungkook and V, who watched them with wide smiles and tears in their eyes.
Namjoon didn't know what to do. Should he call the doctor? Call her father? Yes, her father!
"Jungkook, call her father. V, call the doctor, I want to speak whit him" he ordered and the boys obeyes immediately. He turned to her and stare into her face. "I missed you so bad, baby" he leaned and touched her lips with his. She just smiled.

The news that she was awake spread quickly. The doctors were amazed that after such a blow, the coma was the only consequence. Still, her body ached, the injuries had not yet healed and the doctor decided it was best to stay under observation for now.
But she was alive, she was fin, she was with him and Namjoon didn't leave her hand for a second.

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