Namjoon sat at the bar, surrounded by the boys, while Luna danced on the dance floor.
Tonigth they had decided to visit newly opened club. Luna wanted to have fun with friends and he had no intention to leaving his wife alone, no matter how sure he was that she knew how to protect herself.
Now he sat with a glass of whiskey in his hand and watched his wife, surrounded by three other girls who burst out laughing on the dance floor.
He loved to see her that way, smiling and free, happy. And it was good for the boys, Jin's and V's wound were almost healed. Besides, V was obviously in love with one of the Luna's friend - Hana.
The boy took every opportunity to approach her as Luna and Namjoon looked at him understandingly and encouraged him.
"She looks happy" Jin looked at his friend with a smile.
"Right?" Namjoon shook his head "It's been only a months since we got married and I can't without her anymore, Jin, she's amazing. Sometimes I feel like i'm living with a few women" he laughed. "One time she's quiet and calm, the next she wants to rape me and then rip my head off for somthing I don't even know I did" he giggled raising his glass.
"Women" Jin burst out laughing, patting his friend understandingly on the shoulder.It was 4 in the morning and the club was slowly starting to empty. Namjoon was discussing somthing with Suga, the two of them sitting with their backs to the dance floor, where girls were still dancing. Someone patted him on the shoulder.
Jungkook, Hobi and V stood like a protective wall in front of him. He looked in the direction they're looking and his blood boiled for seconds.
A group of Men had surrounded his wife and her friends,apparently in mood for fun. Luna was standing in front of the three girls, arms outstretched, protecting them. Her eyes were burning, but she was in an awkward position. Her shoes and clothes didn't allow complete freedom of action. The girls were huddled behind her, their arms wrapped around each other. There were more Men and Luna couldn't handle herself, especially if she had to protect her frightened friends.
Suga noticed his boss's gaze and turned standing abruptlu at the stage.
Now all seven men were watching, waiting Namjoon's command to intervene. The group around Luna grew biger, as they were the only women left in the club.
A large, well built man took a step towards his wife and he heard her warn him. But instead of stopping, he reached for her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close. Another man pulled Hana. V stepped forward, ready for attack.
Luna kicked the man between the legs, but as he bend to the ground, two others took his place.
"Now" Namjoon sai simply and his friends shot into the crowd.
The men were startled for a moment, but quickly recovered, apparently having no idea who they were dealing with, and began to respond to the blows that were falling on them.
Luna managed to pull the girls aide, still defending them with her back to them.
Her eyes followed Namjoon, her husband was furious, his fists didn't leak and although he was the biggest of them all, he was as fast as lighting.
The others were literally having fun beating the men, competing to see which one would knock down the most.
The club looked like an action movie scene. There was no one left who didn't get involved in the fight.
Her gaze followed Namjoon, her husband threw his much smaller opponent almost at the other end of the club, she laughed and began to applaud.
She turned and looked at the girls watching the scene in amazement.
Hana watched V's every move, Luna smiled, apparently her friend liked him too and she decided to do somthing abouth it. Another of her friends, Ana, had cast an eye on Jimin.
Turned to the fight again, her smile faded.
The boys were almost done fighting, no one noticed the man sneaking up behind Namjoon, who was at the end of the dance floor, a little further from the others.
Somthing flashed in his hand.... A knife? She kicked her heels aside and run. Her eyes watched as the man aimed the blade at her husband's back. Damn it! With a slight slip, she reached just before the knife struck Namjoon's ribs. She grabbed his wrists, hitting the man's elbow with her other hand. The man grunted innsudden pain and she took advantage, twisting his wrist, pointing the knife away from her husband. The man roared and raised his other hand, pointing his fist at Luna's face. She avoided the blow by wrapping herself under his arm, still holding his wrist. She was much smaller than him, whit a back and couldn't ise her legs, she stuck her elbow sideways in his rib. He twisted from the blow and she jerked her head back, hitting his nose. He took a few steps back. When the blade was far from Namjoon and he was safe, she released the man ad turned to face him.
He looked up, gritting his teeth furiously, his arms around his stomach, he tried to stand up.
She grinned angrily, waiting him to recover.
"Little bitch..." he snorted and instead of standing up completely, he stepped directly against her.
She grinned even wider and when he was with in her reach, she made a full turn and dropped her fist into his chin. His head jerked, a few drops of blood appeared in the corner ot his mouth. The moment he turned to her again, with a new turn, she dropped her heel to the same place, sending him to the floor. He fell on his face. He tried to stand up, but she dropped a knee between his shoulders, grabbed his hear with one hand and pulled his head back she grabbed his throat with the other. Her fingers dug into his throat suffocating him. He tried to fight, twisting his body, but it only made her raise her knee and stab him back with full force.
Someone grabbed her waist and tried to pull her away, she released the man and twisted her fist, trying to pull herself away. Another hand grabbed her wrist and her attacker straightened her easily. Her back slammed into someone's broad chest and the arm around her waist tightened.
"Hey, Hey, honey, it's me, calm down" Namjoon's voice penetrated the foh of anger and she slowly relaxed into his arms.
She looked up at him and he grinned at her. She looked around, apparently the fight was over. The boys looked at her with proud smiles. Hana had relaxed in V's arms, Jimin hugged Ana from behind.
She turned into her husband's arms, wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped slightly to wrap her legs around his waist. Namjoon grabbed her ass with a laugh and headed for the exit. The others followed. The group found themselves outside just before sunrise.
"Joonie, let me go" he let her go, she stepped on the ground and looked at V and Jimin "If any of them shed a tear for one of you, i'll kill you" she warned them in a serious ton.
"I suggest you to listen to her, boys" Namjoon laughed, waved goodbay and led his wife home.

The Royal Family
FanfictionKim Namjoon, hier of the mafia family. Cold, calculating and dangerous. A man to be careful with. Except for his wife. Kim Luna, hieress of the Lee's mafia family. No less dangerous than her husband,knowing for her composure and love of guns. But g...