25. I will find you

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"Luna!" he screamed and abruptly turned the steering wheel. The belt civeed into her chest and left her without air.
Namjoon tried to avoid a street pole, the car drove and almost turned around, slamming into a fire hydrant.
His head hit the steering wheel, he felt the taste of blood and his gaze blurred. He tried to move, but the belt had tightened him, his ribs hurt.
"Luna?" whispered, trying to unbuckle his belt. His left hand was insensitive. "Luna?" she didn't move, he looked into her breathing, normally, blood flowing down her temple, her hands still wrapped around her belly in an attempt to protect the baby.
The sound of a bullet charging into the barrel severely affected his hearing, but he didn't separate his eyes from Luna. ""It's going to be okay, honey, the boys are going to be here any minute," he thought. Like clockwork, gunshots sounded, he tried to cover up Luna, but he just couldn't move. Sound of a body blow on the pavement, screams and then silence and dark. "Witch" was his last thought.

An annoying thump made him open his eyes. He tried to get up, but two hands pressed him back. "Hey, don't" Suga holds him back. He relaxed again, closing his eyes. "The doctor will be here shortly" Suga said, pulling a chair.
" You're pretty much broke, boss, they tied you up like a mummy" Suga grinned. "The doctor said you were lucky that a rob didn't pierce your lungs" he finished, shaking his head.
Namjoon nodded.
Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, the memory of the crash came over him and he tried to stand up again, trembling with pain. Suga immediately jumped, trying to stop him. "Luna" growled Namjoon "Wher is my wife, Suga?" he gritted his teeth, fighting with his friend. "Stay calm, for God's sake, or your wife will kill us both!" Suga hissed. "Where is she, Suga?" Namjoon stared at him.
"I'm here, you idiot. Go back to bed!" ordered his wife and close the door behind her. Namjoon immediately obeyed, but his eyes followed her every move, making sure she is okey. "The baby?" he asked quietly. "Strong as his father" she smiled, sat down at the chair Suga handed her and gently took his hand. "Has anyone examined you?" he insisted and she nodded. "Exept my chick and few bruises, both the baby and I are fine, Namjoon" she assured him. "The blow was from your side" she wishpered, bowing head. "As long as you and the baby are okey, I'll be fine too," he smiled. She gently stroked her belly and her eyes filled with tears. She hated being emotional at times like this, but the hormones were stronger than her and her tears began to flow freely. "Jin and V are trying to figure out who attacked us."she said, wiping her face. "But for now, it looks like it's none of the families," he nodded and closed his eyes.
"If it's not mafia-related, then who would attack them?" thought Namjoon "And why? It's been quiet lately and I guess I've put my guard down," cross his mind.
"Namjoon, Jimin, Jungkook and Hobi are outside. They insist on seeing you," she smiled. "We're going to go out for a while, I've got something to do, okay? Where are you going? " he turned to her and in his eyes a concern flashed. "Um, actually, I'm hungry" she said and her husband laughed.
She stung, kissed him on the cheek, and she and Suga walked out, giving way to the three waiting to enter.
"What are you going to do? I think I'm going to find out who put my husband in a hospital and to kill him" she hissed. "If Namjoon find out you're going to seek revenge in this state, he'll kill you" he grinned. "Namjoon knows me, he knows I won't sit back" she shrugged. "Honestly, sometimes I wonder how you haven't killed each other yet" Suga shook his head. "We have a great way to resolving misunderstandings" she patted her belly and Suga burst out laughing.
They sat in a hospital cafeteria and Luna took a bite of her pie. "And yet, if it's wasn't abouth the mob, who would attack us?" she began to think aloud. "I don't want, but I hav'to ask, is it possible it's someone of your ex?" he asked and she shook her head. "I can't think of anyone who would take a risk with Namjoon" she sigh "His ex?" she raised eyebrow. "As far as I know, he never had anything, not even resembling a relationship. There were a few, he'd seen more then once, but only for sex" Suga thought. "Any of the families we've come across? Someone who wants revenge?" she looked at him, tilting head. "While you was in coma, Namjoon was like a wounded animal" Suga narrowed his eyes, trying to find some connection "But all the survivos are either out of the country or we watching them close" he hipped from his coffee " So far, there are no indications that it could be on of them" he concluded. "Besides, I've already talked to your fathers" she looked at him in surprise "They also don't have clue who can be" he sighed.

"Honey, why don't you go home? Jimin will stay with me" Namjoon made a face. "
" Do you want to kick me out? "she yawned, setling more comfortably on the little couch in Namjoon's room.
" It's like you're going to listen to me. I just don't think there's enouth food in the hospital for the two of you "he teased her, because exacly ten minutes ago, she came back from the cafe, after, only God knows, which meal." Are you suggesting i'm fat? she purset her lips and shot him a look. "Honey, you look great, but I don't think this couch is confortable for a pregnant woman" he smiled, starting at her round belly.
Namjoon felt that the time was flying too fast. Luna was already at the end of the fifth month. The period of nausea was over, she didn't change hir mood like in the beginning, except that she cried from time to time, literally for no reason.
She jumped, with hand on her belly and wide open eyes,driving him crazy. "Namjoon!" she ran to his bed, took his hand and place her on her belly. "Wha..."he paused and grinned, feeling the slight movements under his palm. She moaned slightly, as the baby turned and kicked even harder.
" His kicks are geting strobger" she smiled. "His? Is he a boy?" Namjoon stared. "I don't know" she shrugged. "The doctor asked me if I wanted to know, but I decided we hav'to be together, when he told us the gender" she covered his hand with hers.
"What's going on?" Jungkook asked from the door. "The baby is kicking" Luna grinned. "What??? Can I..." she nodded and he approached her, gently puttig his hand on her belly. The baby feld the pressure and immediately showed displeasure, kicking the intruder. Jungkook glowed and showed his widest bunny smile. Namjoon and Luna laughed. Of all, Jungkook was probably the most excited abouth the baby. He was constantly by Luna, making sure she's okey and comfortable. He made sure the fridge was always full with food and he kept dragging all sorts of baby stuff, pretending to be the cool uncle.
Namjoon smiled,Jungkook was probably the only male he wasn't jealous of.

"Don't look at me like that, i'm not going home!" Luna frowned, leaving the two men with open mouths. "Noona, you can't stay here, you need a rest, think abouth the baby" Jungkook tried to persuade her. "He's right, baby, you'll come again anyway" Namjoon insisted. "I said no! Besides, for me, the safest place right now is next to Namjoon. What if they attacked again on the way home?" she shook head stubbornly. "Lina, look at me" Namjoon sighed "I can't protect and myself right now" he pleaded. "Another reason for me to stay. Someone hav'to take care of you" she said triumphantly. "You're incorrigible, witch!" said Namjoon and give up.
Luna shrugged. She couldn't afford to leave him alone and didn't want to. Not until she knew who was behind the attack. And when she found him, he'll pay dearly for endangering her child's life.

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