12. Wake up little witch

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Four hours, Namjoon looked at the operating room door, they had been inside for so long. In four hours, only once had a nurse come out and informed them thah Luna was doing great for now.
Namjoon sat starting at the ground. Suga had persuaded him to let himself to be examined while they waited for information abouth Luna. He had three cracked ribs, Jin only scratches and his wife....
She saved them again. If she hadn't stopped, If she hadn't sensed the danger, the three of them would be dead by now.
"Hyung" Jimin put a hand on his shoulder "She's strong, she'll be fin".
Namjoon scanned the sorridor. Her father, his father, Jin, Jimin, V, Suga, Hobi , Jungkook, Ana, Hana.... Everyone was here, everyone was worried, he stood up nervously and paced back and forth.Hell, damn it, what could he do, he felt power less, it would crush him.
His woman, his wife, his with was inside and there was nothing he could do to help her.
"Damn it!" he shouted and slammed his fist into the wall, startling everyone. "I'll kill him, who ever is, he is dead" he struck a second time " If somthing happens to her, if ..." a few more blows, the knukles of his fist began to bleed, leaving marks on the wall "She can't leave me..."tears streamed down his cheeks" She can't... I can't do without her.. " his voice broke and he slumped to the ground, hiding his head in his hands.
Luna's father could only watch his son-in-low. It was obvious to everyone how  they loved each other and he was happy that he had choose Namjoon as her husband. Although no one expected such a relationship between them, the two were an example of a happy couple. The future King and Queen of the mafia, his children...
"She loves you more then you think" he looked up. Hana knelt beside him and put her hands on his shoulders "I've never seen her smile like she's talking or just thinking about you." her tears flowed no less then his "She believes in you, she knows how strong you are" brushing a lock of hear from his eyes, she smiled "She would never leave you".
The boys stood to one side and watched them. Some of them had been with Namjoon since they were children, but none of them had ever seen him like that. Jimin hugged Ana, If it was love, he wanted the same, no matter how weak she make you.
Suga squatted next to Namjoon, forcing him to look at him.
"She's gonna kick your ass" was all he said.
Namjoon stared at him. Suga was right, she was going to kick his ass. He smiled, stood up and waited with new found confidence for news.

Another hour passed. The door opened and the surgeon came out, taking off his apron.
" Kim Luna's husband?" he looked around the crowd that had blocked the corridor.
"It's me" Namjoon said, stepping forward.
"Mr. Kim, I'll not lie to you. Your wife's condition is very serious. She had broken ribs, internal bleeding, which fortunately we have overcome. But this is not the worst.
The problem is the blow to the head." the surgeon was silent for a moment "She's in a coma, Mr. Kim. And i can't say when or if she'll wake up. Also, If she wakes up, I have no idea if there will be consequences. For now, we can only pray" he finished and walked away.
"Find out who is to blame for my wife's condition and bring him to me!" his voice was icy. His gaze tossed deadly blades  and his breathing quickened as anger engulfed his whole being. Whoever it was, he would pay dearly.
A few minutes after the doctor left and Namjoon distributed the tasks among the boys, a nurse informed him, that Luna was already in private room and he could see her.
He followed her, followed by their father's along with Hana and Ana.
The nurse warned that only one could enter and for a short time. Namjoon was ready to let her father go, but he stopped him.
"Now she need's you" he said and smiled.
Namjoon nodded. He timidly opened the door and stopped inside. The slight stopped his heart and his eyes filled with tears again.


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nother nurse put an oxygen mask on Luna while doctor checked the monitors. But when they saw him they both hurried out. He looked after them. Everyone in the hospital knew him, knew who hi was and what he was like and they're afraid of him.
He approached the bed, pullet up a chair and sat down, taking her hand. He intertwined their fingers.
"Hey little witch, how are you" his tears wet their clasped hands "Wake up my little witch."
But he didn't receive an answer. He smiled, only she would have the courage not to answer him, or to scold him, to shout at him, to threaten him.
"Honey, please fight, for me, for us. I know you're strong, you're stronger even then me, please open your eyes" he burst in tears again, resting his forehead on their still clasped hands.
Someone opened the door. Without bothering to see who he was, Namjoon shouted brutally "Get out" and heard the door close again.
Two hours latter the doctor expelled Namjoon, warning him that he can't kill him till he cure his wife. Namjoon just looked up at him, clenching his jaw, but came out.

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