They had a meeting at her father's house. Namjoon's father was out of town on bisnes, so there were only three of them.
"Namjoon, has only two months left, how are our bouys working together?" Luna's father asked and sat back in his chair. "Actually, better than expected. There's some fricton, but nothing serious" Namjoon sighed.
"Although we've always been friends, they're never worked together" said Mr. Lee with a slight smile "And yet, you're doing great. It's a great motivation for them that you both understand and respect each other" he nodded "You're an example to them, especially you Namjoon and the relationship with your core group".
Namjoon knew what his father-in-lower was talking abouth. The respect between him and his boys, as well as their friendship, was evodent for miles, he accepted them as brothers. This had saved his life many times, because he always relied on them with no doubt. On the other hand, as a woman, Luna had no such connection with her people. Mostly because Men instinctively underestimated women, without realizing that Luna was perfect weapons. She is beautiful, sweet, smart and deadly. At least, she was respected and her orders were not questioned.
He looked at her, her face betraying that she had read his mind. Another of her spells.
The last few weeks they have been training together,she was a great fighter. Fast, stronger then most women, had a talent for anticipating enemy movements.
" I know what you think, Namjoon, and you're right. Our people underestimated her and I couldn't change that" he sighed.
"As long as they follow my orders and keep my back, it doesn't matter to me" she slimed crookedly.
He took her hand and squeezed it gently,he knew it wasn't her fault. For example, there were six men who treated her as equals and looked at her with pride when someone stood up to her. He reassured himself that if he had to, he could count on them to protect her.
They all dropped the topic, focusing on "more important" aspects, namely the fact that several other families were opposited to Namjoon inheriting the two families.
Namjoon and Luna had noticed that they're been watched. But so far they had failed to capture any of their pursuers. They both complained abouth the other and decided to go with a guards, and put security around their house.
Both were tensed almost to the limit, but for now they poured everything out in training. He hoped Luna's nerves would last, because as far as he was concerned, she was far from a cold-blooded mob princess. The difference in her attitude towards her people and her family was huge and she couldn't hide her emotions when she treated someone she loved.
Due to the fact that someone is watching them, she forced Hana and Ana to move in with V and Jimin. The two recieved clear instructions abouth her two closest friends as well as a death threat. Namjoon almost laughed at the memory and the two Men were in seventh heaven to live with their girlfriends.
Mr. Lee signaled that the meeting was over. He and his daugther talked a little more, but Namjoon thought only of her. The last four days have been very stressful for her. Like him, she used sex to solve everything from anger to happiness and even just boredom. But now she was in those "days" of the months and didn't even allow him a kiss. He could barely beg for cuddle at night.
Two day ago she scare all shit's out of the boys, leaning a gun to Jin's head, because he told her the food needed more salt. Even Suga would avoide her, which was funny. He hoped it would be over soon, cus his balls were already hurting terribly. Before he would just fuck another, but now.... That thought make him feel sick.
They were walking towards the car when he saw a men all in black, hiding around the corner as soon as he realize he had been spotted.
"Hobi..." he nodded in the direction of the man's disappearance, Hobi nodded and headed for it.
She started to follow him, but Namjoon stopped her, shaking his head. She gritted her teeth, but obeyed. However, with a look she send Jungkook after Hobi. Namjoon sighed, would he get used to the idea that his wife had an opinion of her own?
He walked back to the car, but she didn't move. "Honey?" he looked at her with raised eyebrows.
"Somthing's wrong..." her eyes scanned the street anxiously. Her face was tense, her hand gripped his and drops of sweat welled up in her temple. He too tensed, his wife was a pure with and her sixth sense was his greatest asset. He looked at Jin, who was standing next to their car. For his part, Jin kept his eyes on Luna, he had noticed her anxiety too. He walked over to them trying to look calm.
"Boss?" he said, standing on the other side of Namjoon, but with his back to the car. Namjoon shook his head and they both looked at Luna.
"Back!" it was all she could say just as the car burst into flames and the blast tossed her into the air.
The shockwave send them back to the house. Jin and Namjoon crashed into the low fence, but Luna's far tighter body passed over her and struck the three near the front door. Her back hit the trunk of the three and the blow sent her face down on the ground.
She tried to stand up, leaned on her hands, bending her knew for support.She looked for Namjoon and Jin, but her gaze was blurred, pain engulfed her whole body and she couldn't bear it falling back into the dust. Someone called her name and then the world went dark.Namjoon's pov:
The shockwave hit us hard, we were too close to the car. If it wasn't for Luna, we would even be inside.
My back hit the fence, Jin landed on top of me, I felt the air leave my lung for a few seconds and my eyes blurred. A minute passed, probably, Jin shouted, trying to stand up.
The noise in my ears began to subside when I realize I don't was not holding Luna's hand anymore.
I started to stand up, I probably had cracked or broken ribs, cus they hurt terribly... And i heard it...
"Luna!" Jin shouted, jumping to his feet.
My ribs hurt, but I jumped too, following Jin's jump over the fence.
Luna's father run out of the house followed by guards and servants. He also run against Jin...
Then I realized.... Luna was laying on her face on the ground and she didn't move...
My heart stopped, my blood froze and with few leaps I found my self next to her, pushing everyone back.
I tried to turn her gently so as not to hurt her more and place her head on my lap. She doesn't react.
"Ambulance, someone call an ambulance" I shouted, trying to find her pusle. I succeeded, she was breathing, but very weakly, almost imperceptibly.
" Honey, do you hear me, don't leave me, do you hear me, I love you, please, don't give up..." I whishpered in her ear "Where the hell is the fucking ambulance" I shouted at the others.
"She'll be here any minute" I heard her father say and in the same time I heard the sirens.

The Royal Family
FanfictionKim Namjoon, hier of the mafia family. Cold, calculating and dangerous. A man to be careful with. Except for his wife. Kim Luna, hieress of the Lee's mafia family. No less dangerous than her husband,knowing for her composure and love of guns. But g...