Kim Namjoon, hier of the mafia family.
Cold, calculating and dangerous. A man to be careful with. Except for his wife.
Kim Luna, hieress of the Lee's mafia family. No less dangerous than her husband,knowing for her composure and love of guns. But g...
Her heart was pounding, there was no way she could get out of this position, she couldn't do nothing to stop them. She close her eyes as the man in white began to approached. Hopelessness, fear, fatigue, helplessness, all this feelings merged, killing the hope of salvation, the hope of seeing and embacing her child, all this feelings killed her desire for life. "You late, my love and I failed to save our child" she thought and relaxed. There's nothing left she could do, she could only hope that it would all end quickly. "Don't touch her!" Luna opened her eyes wide. Jimin? Jimin had twisted the man's arm, thrusting the syringe into his neck. The man rolled his eyes and fell life less to the ground. "Jimin!" she cried. He untie her, took her in his arms and she hide face into his neck. "It's all right" he hugged her tightly, trying to calm her. "Let me go!" the woman's voice caught her attention and she look up. Jin was just ushering the woman into the room. Two other men were holding the toothless man and his friend, who were on their knees with hand behind their heads. "Shut up, for God's sake, what a hysteria!" Jin growled, for sing her to kneel beside the other two. "Namjoon?" Luna looked at Jimin. "Did you miss me?" his voice came from the door. Namjoon looked around the room, realizing what might have happend. His gaze stattled at his wife, who was still in Jimin's arms. Her face was ashen, bruised and scratches. Her lips were swollen, with trace of dying blood. Luna saw how slowly, but surely, her husband become angry. His eyes grew darker than night, rhe muscles of his jaw throbbing menacingly, a vein protruding on his neck, that clearly showed his pulse quickening. "Jimin, let me go" she wishpered in his ear. He released her slowly and she turned to Namjoon. But when she tried to step forward, her legs gave out and Jimin had to grab her to keep her from falling. Namjoon approached her. She held out her hands and he hugged her, hiding his face in her hear. " I thought I was late" he said softly, inhaling her scent. "You're not" she smiled "We're both fine, but..." she paused and he looked at her questioningly. She freed herself from his embrace and turned to the toothless. "Do you remember what I told you?" he shook his head helplessly. She glared at the man. Everyone would pay! "This is Ji Hoon's wife. She is obviously smarter than him" Luna grinned. "Do wathever you want with her." Luna thought. "Or not. Call Jungkook" she said to Jimin. She waited for him, as he called Jungkook over the receiver in his ear. Namjoon looked at her questioningly, but did nothing or said anything. His wife had thought of somthing. Jungkook burst into the room minutes latter. He didn't think abouth it and just went down, hugging Luna. She wrapped arms around his neck, rose to her toes and came close to his ear. "This woman wanted to kill your little brother, what are you going to do?" she wishpered and released him. Jungkook was the youngest, the funniest, the most pampered and he behaved like that way. But when he had to, he knew how to make a man to regret his birth. And he Did it with pleasure. Luna watched with pleasure as his expression changed. Jungkook looked at Namjoon for permission. "Hyung?" Namjoon nodded and Jungkook turned to the woman. He approached her, grabbed her hear and dragged her out of the room, not carring that she was pulling and screaming. "Luna turned to her husband. She leaned against his chest and looked up at him." How much do you love me? " she asked." What? "he was tartled by the sudden question." Honey, I don't think now is the time..."she interrupted him." How much, Namjoon? "she raised an eyebrow." More then my life "he answered, still wondering what she was up to." What would you do for me? "she asked again." Everything! " Luna smiled coldly. She rose to her feet." I can still feel his hands between my legs " she wishpered in his ear, pointed at the toothless and pulled away. Namjoon's body stretched like a string. His lips formed a straight line and his eyes darkened. Her words had awakened a beast no ane had seen before. " Jimin, take Luna out and wait me in the car. Call her doctor to wait for us in and hour. Kill everyone, but this one is for me" he ordered, leaving Luna in Jimin's arms and began to approached his victim.
Two weeks latter
"Namjoon?" she pushed him on the shoulder. "Namjoon, wake up" she tried again, but he just turned to his back. "Kim Namjoon!" she shouted and he sat abruptly, looking at her in shock. "Where are you going?" he asked, as she tried to pull on her dressing gown. " Where do you think?" she made a face as a sharp pain passed from her waist to her abdomen. She crouched down, her hands pressed her belly. "Honey?" Namjoon was next to her by two steps. He began rubbing her back, as she tried to catch her breath. "Dod you want to help me or I hav'to give birth here?" she asked breathlessly and resumed trying to get dressed,he just stood there, staring at her. "Birth?" he murmered, his eyes wide. "Damn it!" she growled as another contraction flooded her body. Drops of sweat ran down her forehead. "No, i'm just dying from pain, for fun" she hissed, stumbling toward the door. "Would you hurry?" she urged him again "And, for God's sake,at least put your pants" Namjoon was, to put it mildly, confused. He put on the first pants he came across, snatched the bag from the locker room and followed his wife. Luna's water leacked into the car, further panicking poor Namjoon. She tried to calm him down, but to no avail. With each contraction, the pain intensified and her husband panicked more and more. "Babe, try to calm down, or you'll kill us, please!" her voice was calm, though she was trembling with pain. "How can you be so calm?" he looked at her in shock. "Women have been giving birth from centuries, Namjoon" she gritted her teeth at another contraction. "Damn, that's hurts" she cried. "I'm sorry, witch, i'm really sorry" his face was so guilty, that it was funny. "If you plan to behave like that every time i give birth, i'll wake Suga next time" she laughed. He slammed on the brakes at the hospital entrance. "It's like i'm going to let you" he snorted. "And how many kids do you think we'll have?" he get out, walked over her side and helped her. "At least three" she smiled. His chin hung, how could she joke at such a moment. He picked her up and carries her inside, shaking his head. A sister saw them and hurried to get a stroller. Namjoon carefully let her sit down and followed them to the delivery room. Luna insisted that he be present, leaving him no choice. While they were preparing her, he called his and her father's. Sister handed him a sterile apron, he took a deep breath, reassured that he had seen much more frightening things and went through the double door.
"She's screamed, hyung!" Jungkook stomped to one place, his eyes wide with anxiety. "And you would scream, If you was inside" Hobi laughed, patting him on the shoulder. "Dod you think she's okey" he looked anxiously at the door. "Namjoon is with her, If there was anything, we would know" assured him Mr. Kim. "Jungkook, sit down, I began to feel dizzy" V pullet him on the bench, next to him. "Childbirth takes time and is painful, Jungkook" Jin smiled at him, as the maknae jumped to his feet again."And what time exacly?We're been here for hours." Jungkook snorted. Baby crying cought everyone's attention. Their faces lot up and they hiddled together, waiting for someone to come out and te them how the mother and baby were. After abouth ten minutes, the door opened and revealed the exhausted Namjoon, with a proud look and wide smile. He was greeted by cheers, pats on the back and shoulders and thousands of questions. "Let me take a breath, please" he laughed as everyone lined up to hug and greet him. "Luna is fine, so is the baby, they'll be moved soon and you'll be able to seen them" he tried to outdo the group. "But, please, don't attack her all at ones, she's exhausted" he almost ordered, grinning. As they talked and Namjoon explained how he thought he had seen all sorts of horrors, but this was the worst thing he had ver experienced. A sister came over and wishpered somthing in his ear, he nodded. "You can see her" he smiled. He led them to Luna's room. Namjoon opened the door, poking his head in to see if she was asleep. Luna was sitting on the bed with the baby in her arms. "Can we come in?" he asked and she nodded. He opened the door wide and had to cling to it so he wouldn't be trampled by his family. Everyone around her, staring at the little baby, sleeping quietly in her arms. "How are you, dear?" asked her father and she smiled at him. "Tired, but great" she assured him. "It's so small" Hana exclimed. Luna smiled proudly. "I present to you Kim Dae" she looked gently at her son, who smirked in his sleep, making everyone to gasp in fascination.
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"Same as his father" Hobi comment, making e
veryone laugh. "Noona, can I...?" he looked at the baby uncertainly. "Of course, after all, he's your little brother" she smiled lovingly at him and handed him the baby carefully. Namjoon watched the scene from the door. What he felt as he watched his friends, his family, carefully relqy his son, each of them caring for him tenderly, he couldn't describe in words. His gaze met Luna's. There was love and tenderness in her eyes as they spoke without words. He walked over and sat on her bed, hugging her shoulders. He kissed her temple and looked again at his son, who was now in Ana's amrs. "He will be an ankle prince" Luna wishpered with a smile. Namjoon looked at her, his eyes gleaming with love. "Thank you, witch" he kissed her gently on the lips. "Thank you for the love, for the faith, for the support, for this family, for my son" he looked at each one again. "It's just your doing" he said, resting his chin on her head.