Once, the doctor allowed, Namjoon moved Luna home and hired a nurse to take care of her. Of course, study it from top to bottom first. After the bomb, he become pedantic abouth his wife. She, for her part, didn't try to protest at all. She was be having normaly, laughing, swearing at him and threatening him as before, but he knew somthing was bothering her. When she thought no one was watching her, her mind disappeared and she looked sad. He didn't want to preas her, she went through a lot. But he was worried that there might still be consequences that the doctor hadn't noticed. And that thought drove him crazy. He watched her sleep at night and the fear she might not wake up killed him. He was tired, but he just couldn't relax and fall asleep.
"Boss?" Jimin called him and he looked up "Is everything all right?" he looked at him questioningly.
"I can't concentrate" Namjoon sighed "I don't know what's wrong with me".
"You're thinking about Luna,aren't you?" Jin smiled at him. " You're really in love. You're changing Namjoon, that's normal" Namjoon nodded.
"I wish one day I could find love like yours" Jungkook dreamily looked at the ceiling. " Indeed, you two became extremely close in a very short time" V said, thinking of Hana.
"I know our marriage was almost forced" Namjoon began " We both didn't want it, i was even somewhat disgusted by the thought to spend my life with her" he smiled "I thought she was going to be a spoiled lady. Our fathers have been worked together for years, but I've never borhered to aks abouth her, to want to get know her." He close his eyes and rested his head."Although, I knew my father was making plans to marry us and yet..." He laughed slightly. "Did you know that the very first morning we were married, even thought she was against the marriage, she had made me breakfast and wrapped me up, because I was asleep in the office?" This time he laughed out loud. " She gone out with Hana and Ana, she hadn't been home all day, but she had left me a note. She came home in the noon with shoping bags. I tried to tease her, but she remained calm. Why she cared abouth me at all, what did it matter if I had dinner or not and what I ate. " The boys listened with wide smiles." She just told me whether I wanted or not, I was already part of her family and she was taking care of her own. That night I watched her sleep. She was so sexy and that's how I wanted to fuck her back then... " He shook his head. "Some of you remember her the next night and how we both left the place of the deal with Chang." he grinnwd devilishy. Jungkook blushed and Jin just snorted.
"How?" the question come's from Hobi.
" Namjoon took his wife in his arms and left. We didn't see him till next afternoon, she was had drunk all his strength" laughed Jin.
"Then she saved my life at Choi's house. That was the first time I really felt something. She had nightmares a few days latter" Namjoon nodded.
"Noona and nightmares? Somehow I can't imagine it" Jungkook said. "Right? She is a strong woman, isn't she? Sometimes she scares me too" Namjoon shrugged "But the truth is, she's gentle, kind and loving. At least, as far as i'm concerned" he smiled softly "It was inevitable that I would fall in love with her. When she admitted she felt the same.... I had the feeling that I was holding the world in my hands"
"She's somthing special" Suga nodded.
"But after the bomb... Somthing bothering her and I don't know what to do to help her calm down" Namjoon said.
"Why you just don't talk to her?" Namjoon looked Hobi. "She's not one of those women who twists things or avoide awkward aswers" Hobi smiled at him.
Namjoon knew his friend was right, but how start such a conversation when she was still so weak.
"Anyway" she change the subject, diciding that he would find away "Let's talk abouth work"He was leaning against the wall by the bedroom door. Luna was talking to someone on the phone and he didn't want to brother her. Beside, he didn't know where to start from.
He was just rejecting another way to aks her, when her voice and what Luna shared on the phone, made his heart stop. He leaned closer to the door and listened.
"Hell, Hana,it's truth that Namjoon is great in bed, but I don't love him" she said "How much more to pretend, can't I just kill him?"
Pretend? What, why?
" I feel like i'm under sureillance, Hana, i'm tired" she continued.
Why Luna? What does that mean? Why is she lying? He clenched his fists, his body trembling with anger. But he didn't move, he wanted to know why...
"Hana, right now..." she paused and he strained to hear " He's standing behind my door like an idiot" she said and the door swung open, revealing a grinning Luna. He almost jumped in surprise.
His eyes started at her grinning face, anger taking over his mind, prompting him to grab her by the throat.
"Either kill me,or tell me why you've been hanging out here for ten minutes and making me wonder how to get you in" she laughed "And stop looking at me like that. You know I love you more then my life"
He relaxed and shook his head in disbelief. "Witch!" she laughed and wrapped her hands around his neck, kissing him tenderly.
"You should have seen your face, you were ready to kill me" she said, running her tongue over his lower lip.
"Almost" he replied and took her in his arms, being careful not to hurt her. The wound hadn't yet healed completely.
"Fool" she kissed him again and he picked her up in bridal style, bringing her back in the bedroom. He plased her on the edge of the bed and sat on the ground between her legs, resting his head on her lap.
"Catch me witch, you're obviously regaining your senses." he gently hugged her calf and stroked him. "Will you tell me what bothering you?" she asked. "I think I hav'to ask you this question" he looked up at her.
"What you mean?" she frowned.
"I love you doll, but I don't love secrets. Don't you think I don't notice when my wife is worried? I can feel you" he said, he got up, sat behind her and hugged her across the waist,now she's sitting between his legs. He kissed her shoulder gently, placing his chin on there and she leaned her head against his.
"I miss your touch" she said, trying to change the subject. "Nice try. Now the truth" he bite her lightly, making her shiver.
"Okey, I want a house, big one, better mansion. With many bedrooms, probably three wings" she said in one breath. "What?" he raised his head abruptly and stared at her profile "Why on earth you need suuch a big mansion?"
"Because I want our father's to live with us when they retire. I want all the boys, Hana and Ana there." she wrapped her hands around his, forcing him to tighten his embrace. "I want our children to play with their cousins, protected by their grangparents, uncles and aunts. And i'm terribly afraid that each of them is in danger at the moment" she sighed.
"You want kids?" he gasped jokingly.
"Namjoon!" she hit his hand.
"Honey, of corse we're going to have kids and soon I hope so." he kissed the top of her head "I know you're trying to think abouth everything and everyone and that's why you're my queen. But baby, you hav'to share this worries with me, isn't that marriage?" she nodded and curled on his lap,his strong and caring woman.
"If that's what really worries you, then you'll have the mansion and the children" he grined arrogantly and pinchet her on the top of her nose.

The Royal Family
FanfictionKim Namjoon, hier of the mafia family. Cold, calculating and dangerous. A man to be careful with. Except for his wife. Kim Luna, hieress of the Lee's mafia family. No less dangerous than her husband,knowing for her composure and love of guns. But g...